
He also wrote a scathing review on Yelp.

But you are not taking into account advances in technology that should be *lowering* the cost of goods. A 65 in. LED TV today costs like, $500. The same thing 10 years ago was $5k. Not everything costs less over time, but much of the technology used in cars does get cheaper, as does the cost to manufacture a car using

Now you’re going to hate reading that comment.

My entire house is filled with either original MCM furniture or recent buys from DWR. To say we have followed this trend is an understatement. But I have never understood the appeal of the Tulip chair. What’s the point of a dining chair that is hard to move?

That don’t look like a manual.

You don’t expect 3-5 year-olds to do better? Really? 

VR makes me want to vomit.

I know a few Jewish people who voted for Trump. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem was enough to ensure that they’d vote for him again. They play down this kind of stuff as meaningless.

Except that glare is not always the issue. With the high beltlines on SUVs and trucks, a lot of lights shine directly into my eyes when I drive my sedan.

That’s a great story. The next time my wife cries, I’ll say “What? Did you get a Cuisinart?”

Snow in the Rockies? Unreliable transportation?

This is why people need to support mom and pop businesses. There is usually a family dependent on it, and they are not completely driven by corporate greed.

That shit is ugly as fuck. And proof in the pudding will be when the owners try and sell that thing.

On the other hand, I have a wife who prefers to drive a manual, so . . . .it’s a wash I guess.

I’m a clean car guy. My wife is not. Every time I get in the car, there is a new wrapper or leftover food sitting in the cupholder. She sometimes doesn’t notice the baby’s puke in the back seat. Before we got married, I rarely let her drive my car so I had no idea.

A few years ago I bought my wife a Cuisinart stand mixer. When she opened it, she burst into tears because she wanted a Kitchen Aid, not realizing that the one I bought was much nicer (and more expensive). About two years later she apologized to me and told me that the mixer was really nice.

I’m a one car household and given the inability to buy a manual family car that I want, I’m looking at an EV for our next car. The E-tron would have been in the running if it got better miles. I’m waiting to see what VW comes out with, but it’s looking like a Tesla or Polestar for me.

Yeah, my friend George Glass from Canada borrowed it. 

Outside of major cities, 95% of the sushi places don’t have Japanese sushi chefs. They are mostly Chinese and Korean. And their sushi is, exactly as you put it, thaw and slice places. If that’s what you like, so be it. To me, that’s like eating at Sbarro’s and thinking it’s good pizza.

Yeah, the cooked stuff is not what concerns me. Any competent chef can make that. The raw fish though, especially the aging part, really needs a chef who knows what he’s doing.