
DD used to, which is why their donuts from 30 years were 100% better than the garbage they thaw out today.

Would you eat dog meat?

The number of people receiving public assistance is lower than it has been under Obama, but it’s because people are getting kicked off, not because Drumpf has done anything of value.

There are probably 5 people in the world who are aggrieved by this. Don’t confuse “getting sued by attorneys who specialize in corporate extortion” with “handicapped people are so unreasonable.”

It’s actually pretty disgusting. IIRC from my childhood of eating them exclusively when I ate hot dogs, it tastes less like meat than their bologna. I don’t know anyone who likes them.

You’d be surprised at the number of people in NYC who don’t have any student debt. Lots of offspring of rich people here.

Are there metrics for soccer that can back up her claims like VORP in basketball and baseball? If not, then it sounds like she’s throwing some of her teammates under the bus.

Don’t forget about parents with kids still using car seats. Not having to bend over as much to put your kid in can be a back saver. It’s not enough to get me to buy a cross-over, but I understand.

That would be just desserts. Dyson is a huge supporter of Brexit.

If you travel off-season, when tickets are cheapest, much of the trip is by bus and not boat. Low water levels prevent the boats from reaching certain stops.

Having a toddler and not having a toddler are two completely different worlds. If I change my kid’s routine even a little, he freaks out. Life on the road would be a hell like no other.

Yeah, if I knew my car was going to be replaced, I would run it hard at a track. On the other hand, because of the defect involved, I could die.

Nope. I just looked it up. It’s $11,900. Which is what I would expect. Business class to Europe is $7k. No way a 19 hr flight is $1500.

Business class to Singapore is only $1500? That doesn’t sound right.

Frontera is in every Whole Foods I’ve been to, so I think it might be national by now.

The distortion in the back-up camera keeps me from relying on it. I use it to make sure I’m not running over something small. But I still look over my shoulder to make sure I don’t hit any obstacles I’m trying to avoid. The “guidelines” don’t mean shit to me.

Is there a link between boredom and hunger?

His company Alibaba could be shut down in minutes if he came out in support of HK. He’s not stupid. Morally bankrupt, but not stupid.

This explains my diet this week. But not last week. Honestly, can we just admit that sugar and fat are addictive? 

Have you ever worked in NYC in a high-pressure, long-hours environment? The lines between work and social life quickly blur when you are spending 18 hours a day with co-workers.