He will absolutely reverse himself when lobbyists descend on Congress to remind them that all the giant tobacco companies are also heavily invested in vaping.
He will absolutely reverse himself when lobbyists descend on Congress to remind them that all the giant tobacco companies are also heavily invested in vaping.
This is precisely it. My wife is late to almost everything. That is, almost everything that does not have a serious impact on her life. When it really counts- meeting with her boss for example- she’s usually early.
The people who are most outraged here are parents whose kids have been rejected from a highly selective school.
You think he has ASD because he’s wearing a t-shirt?
Trump is awful, but the Justice Department of today is a direct result of Bush II funneling a bunch of conservatives into the DOJ. Before Bush, you had to go to a pretty respectable law school to get in to the DOJ. Under Bush, Liberty Law School grads started getting in.
Ok, it is gross if it is used in place of “select.” But that’s misusing the word.
The greatest fool will always be the U.S. government providing flood insurance for these properties.
The line “What’s funny is stupid ass Bernie is paying you to fuck him.” was not meant literally. He did not mean she was having sex with him. He was criticizing her abilities, and pointing out that she was getting paid to be bad.
I get that using overly complicated words instead of simpler ones is off-putting but curate? You would use more words to convey that idea than simply using the word. It’s not as simple as “select”.
That’s one of the minor reasons people should be rooting for Serena (if you’re American). Imagine if Fed were American and playing in the final at 38.
The bullies typically end up as CEOs.
To be fair, the white kids who become school shooters are rarely the bullies. They are usually the bullied.
I found a house in the district where this lunch debacle is taking place.
Poor people don’t live in 35oo sq ft French Chateau style homes while paying $3k in property taxes. This is all tied to public policy.
Tax rate doesn’t mean anything when the homes are not assessed at market value. Mississippi, from what I’ve seen, assesses their houses at 7-10% of market value. So a $400k house has an assessed value of like, $35-40k and pays about $2k in taxes. So when you compare taxes paid compared to market value of the house, MS…
This is why property taxes in Mississippi are among the lowest in the country.
In this age, with all we know about CTE and with so many former NFL players clearly suffering, you have to be a complete monster to let your kids play football.
I just see ten years of bad facial hair.
Two of the fixtures even had the faux “melting wax” just below the bulb.