what does the fonz say

I’m gonna say that it sounds to me that Lindsay is actually understanding that her family are a bunch of toxic people she shouldn’t be around. Also, her mother is just terrible, really. I would say, “Okay, mom. Come on over. I’ll move to another country, and we can avoid each other.” Let’s be honest here. The reality

i dont know if it was the worst

That was painful to watch. Her delivery is terrible and she needs to knock it the fuck off with the Latino jokes.

Most economical food purchases, ranked:

Ps seven limes to one avocado? Her guac must be TERRIBLE.

All good points; my only thought as far as him being given the benefit of the doubt is because it was such a long time ago and he was not the only party involved. Though the “seems like a good person” line is useless, yeah.

I’m a strong believer in reform and forgiveness, but I also think that if this was a story about, say, Chris Brown, people would be having a very different reaction to it.

I wish the girl had shouted “WHO’S THE BABY NOW? while picking her up.

I feel like you guys will appreciate this. Well, less “appreciate,” more “not be surprised by at all.”

Yeah totally disgusted with that story. But i am glad to see as a privileged white dude, hamm was able to move past it and have a successful career (i am using the word “glad” in a sarcastic way just in case anyone missed that).

Yeah, I can't believe more people aren't commenting on that. That was horrifying to read. Definitely colors the way I see him.

I hope you don’t get yelled at for this but you probably will. Compassion is one of human kind’s strongest traits, but god forbid you express it for someone who has done something horrific. I feel the same though, I agree with you. I feel worse for the victims, but I certainly feel sorry for him too.

I kind of feel sorry for him as I feel sorry for the victims. I cant help myself than to think that he is a very very misled kid, and that he could have turned out way different if our world would not be filled with so much hate and inequality. Ok I am bracing myself for whatever I am getting now.

Ew. I’m sorry, this is a gross opinion. In like every way. This is a guy who was raped as a child. Everyone told him how awesome it was, and no one treated him like a victim. He fathered children with his rapist when he was 13. He was so damaged from the experience and how everyone basically cheered him on for being

...so my involvement in the #freejahar movement is probably looking pretty silly now, huh

Yes, be repulsed by the sexual abuse victim who no one helped because he was a boy. I’m sure you feel repulsed by all sexual abuse victims, right? What exactly about him repulses you? Maybe you should think about that.

In what way? He was an abuse victim. I see no reason to think those daughters would be in danger from him. From her? Yeah, I can see her being a loon around them as well.

Can somebody explain to me how Vergara’s schtick isn’t roundly panned as a minstrel show? It’s like Lucille Ball crossed with Speedy Gonzales, but less subtle.