what does the fonz say

That might actually be better than my Kinja gif


10/10 would read this fanfic

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love this quote:

Only one man is qualified to be the Secretary of Partying Down

I don’t even know if I should respond here, but I’m not sure people who believed this and wanted to defend it were simply lacking critical faculty.

It seems like this supposedly sacrosanct “presumption of innocence” outside of the actual trial mostly comes out in rape cases. I’m probably dating myself here, but I remember during, say, the OJ Simpson trial no one was arguing that he should be assumed to be innocent. There were debates about whether he was guilty

And the guy whose show on HBO is way less relevant now that we have John Oliver on the air.

Damn Kelly, you left out the sickest burn:


Danny Pino, man. All the way. For days. Praise God.


Ugh... The Stabler thing is entirely because the guy is good looking right? Because otherwise I don't get it— I mean the character was essentially a fictional version of the kind of cop that we all hate in real life— a violent scumbag who routinely violates peoples' civil rights but "for the right reasons" — is a hero

This season has been pretty terrible (par for the course, not complaining) but I would rewatch every episode just for all the Barba-babe-moments. He has been lighting the courtroom/chambers ON FIRE with his prosecution.

Sometimes I remember how hate this show, then I remember how beautiful Raul Esparza and Peter Scanavino are. Then I bust out my wine and order pizza and tune in every week.

it's like a super lame drunk uncle Thanksgiving joke.

I'll have to vote for last winter's jam, Carmex, but seriously? This goo from Bath & Body Works has kept my lips from falling off all this winter. I love it, and I wear it 24/7.

I'll have to vote for last winter's jam, Carmex, but seriously? This goo from Bath & Body Works has kept my lips