what does the fonz say

As the little boy who starred in Jerry McGuire (I use a pen name, please don't tell anyone), I am well aware of that.

yes, i thought it was pretty obvious she was saying white people overdo it, not 'ethnics, ewww'

Um, isn't Tyler Perry going to write this sequel? "Girl, I thought you were gone."

Ouch. Yeah, this is why I ask. Women seem to either love IUDs or hate them passionately. They're the cilantro of birth control.

"To automatically to be lumped into that category of a gang... that hits a little close to home for us, because that isn't our intent at all," Strobl said.

I loved Bill Maher when I was 14 years old, first learning how to engage with liberal political thought. But I outgrew him quickly; by college, pretty much, which for me happened not long after 9/11. Teenage anger and bombast and arm swinging - great. If you take him seriously past the age of, like, 23, you need to

It's a very funny cartoon about a horse who is a man and there are animal puns aplenty and also it's about depression and the varying ways it can affect a person's life.

It's actually a pretty good joke with overlapping smart and dumb humor. It is based around Bojack, a horse who formerly starred in a popular 80's sitcom, then burned all his bridges with napalm. He lives with Todd, who moved into his house with a story about his parents not understanding his alternative lifestyle

THANK YOU, People. This is the most accurate thing in that entire Very Important slideshow.

That's not depressing. That's being a decent human being and a good daughter/son.

I am a HUGE diehard fan of The Kids in the Hall! Every time I meet someone called Dave, I think of that song, These Are The Daves I Know.

Ugh I hate that that is what canada is known for.

famous for being/having a white supremacist dick?

This picture really makes them look like the heads of every single joint sorority-fraternity Spring Fling committee.

What I think of every time I see this ludicrous nasal piercing.

Now playing

As long as we keep Billy Bob Thornton's grumpy indifference to Ghomeshi for viewing pleasure. Don't scrub this beauty.

How is that preference not an illness? Just because we don't have a cure yet so we lock them away where they can't cause more harm? This is a disease, it should be detected early, treated if possible, and excised if treatment is unsuccessful. The disease model fits these sort of people perfectly. We should

I am in absolutely no way defending the actions of any person who molests children, but I do think that there are people out there who are attracted to children, and who never, ever act on their desires. I believe that with therapy and careful monitoring, paired with the person knowing that it is horribly wrong to act

I am actually impressed he admits it. This is an important milestone. He deserves the barrage of condemnation, though it is still bitter to think he will not face the criminal justice system. Reading a little bit about Polanski in particular, I am disgusted by the number of celebrity apologists that back him up.