what does the fonz say

Um. Actually "the struggle is real" comes from activist uses of "The Struggle" defined as the difficulty and danger that is faced, every day, by those of lower socio-economic classes. So, she doesn't need to outline which "struggle" is being reference to notice that this phrase is being thrown around to mean

I feel I should brag about the cross stitch I made for my brother a few years ago

Pro tip: if you use quotation marks around a word, it should probably be a word that I actually used. It's not advised to come at someone full of snark having put so little thought into what you're railing against.

This privileged white girl cringed a little when I read it. Seems like some sort of inside joke that means no ill will, but comes off as ignorant.

Jake and Rachel would be a very cute couple!

See Libby, what you don't understand (and neither does Taylor) is that the phrases "the struggle is real" and "yours in the struggle" arent random jumbles of words, but phrases from the civil rights movement (and adopted by other movements e.g. women's lib, anti-colonialism) to signal that people were working together

I'm probably at a two on a 1 to 10 scale of offended, but it irritates me when privileged people/white people appropriate urban slang (because it's so funny when we say it cuz we are so not "urban") and talk about the "struggle" "ironically." Yes, the struggle is real. The "struggle" is about achieving equality.

I think it's about puberty (she pricks her finger on her 15th birthday) and the need to guard your virginity (the fortress of thorns around the castle) until your prince manages to find you. Which is gross.

you need to actually write

spit take at "#NOTALLKINGS"

Have you read The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter? She retells fairy tales and reimagines the women's roles. They still sometimes get a happy ending, but with more (usually creepy) control over their fate. The stories are fairly brutal, so you experience the women's suffering rather than the superficial storytelling

So it's a rape/revenge movie.

And let the guy be Joseph Gordon-Levitt since he's in the movie and seeing him dressed like that would be sexy as hell.

hmmmm I know someone who was an intern on the show and had a great experience. ok thanks for explaining (actually not sarcastic answer. thank you)

Mmmm.... Dorito.

I genuinely want to understand the reasoning behind uncensoring breasts. The Eva Green poster doesn't appear revealing to me at all. However, living in NYC and having witnessed women protesting topless and many men just oggling them, I don't see how this helps with the objectification women face. Additionally, its the

I'm judging them for hanging out with Chelsea Handler.

She is completely clueless. It amazes me that someone can be completely self-absorbed, yet so unaware.

No Gwynnie! You don't compare your experience of reading reading negative comments about yourself online (which you say they wrote because they are jealous of you) to a soldier having gone through a war. Just, ugh. Have you learned nothing about what not not say?