what does the fonz say

I also get the feeling that he "cheers" for himself because he feels (somewhat accurately) that as an African American man, not only will a lot of people not cheer for his success, many will try to stand in his way. He talks about this a lot in his music, particularly in a lot of the stuff on "Yeezus."

You're not the only apologist here. I once heard an interview (or something) with him where he said something along the lines of "If you aren't going to cheer for yourself, then why should anyone else?" and ever since then I've been a lot more forgiving of his being so into himself. You go, Kanye, you should be proud.

Meanwhile, in Ojai, Casey Wilson (Happy Endings, etc.) also got married. She and her husband released a picture from their wedding. That's a beautiful dress.

it looks like she tied a big napkin over the top of a lovely wedding dress. But she looks really happy, so whatevs!

Aww Kim & Kanye are cute idgaf. It's funny, people keep talking about it being Kim's big day but a part of me feels like this was really Kanye's dream come true. I'm kind of elated for him. He married the girl of his dreams in a beautiful ceremony. Kind of beautiful to imagine how blissed out he must have been.

Unphotoshopped Spencer Hastings maybe! Digitally mutilated Troian Bellisario...? Not so much.

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Texas is just way too interested in my crotch.

Someone remind me: how many abortion clinics in TX were shut down because they didn't meet some bullshit requirements about door width and such?

Sweet Jesus. The American Association for Cosmetic Surgery (or whatever it's called) needs to develop a more stringent code of ethics. Not even joking.

Cheers. While both are great at explaining the premise of the show (a big plus), Cheers starts off somber but then reassuring and comforting whereas the Jeffersons' is more self congratulating. Plus the piano jingle from Cheers is still used today in commercials at least once a year for various products.

You beat me. WKRP and Welcome Back, def. WHO ELSE EVEN REMEMBERS CHICO AND THE MAN??? You win.

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Ooh, weird timing. I spent all last week tossing out random lyrics from the Who's The Boss? theme song in conversation and FB statuses, as if they were poignant original thoughts. "There's a time for love and a time for living. You take a chance and face the wind." Deep shit, man.

She can turn the world on with her smile...

I would take Welcome back Kotter, Chico and the man, and WKRP over the Jefferson.

Welcome Back Kotter!

Family Ties FTW

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