I'm a very literal reader, took me a few attempts to figure it out.
I'm a very literal reader, took me a few attempts to figure it out.
The monologue made me uncomfortable, but I got the feeling that was part of the point. Beyond that? I don't think white people like me have any business telling black people what jokes they should find too racially offensive to make.
She specifically states that she has to defend herself from black people, not just white people ...
Hi Erin! Thanks for writing this. Leslie is a friend of mine, and you nailed it when you said this material would work best on a comedy stage. The bit she did on SNL comes from her stand-up routine. While her commentary isn't on America, but rather being single, it still destroys the audience with laughter every…
Maybe I'm a prude, but as a black woman, jokes about me being a super-breeder as a slave would and do rub me the wrong way. I don't care who's mouth it came from. What happened to slaves was very real and very unfunny. And one more time for the people in the back, disagreeing with a stance or opinion doesn't mean…
parabiosis (when two animals are literally stitched together to study the change in their bodies)
At least it's not more about friggin' Pablo Schreiber. Nothing against him, but I am so tired of that storyline.
All the west wing players. All of them!
They're the building blocks of a highly sophisticated system designed to transfer money from your wallet to the wallet of the person telling you about the toxins.
Amen. He is my favorite everything all the time.
I almost minored in Psych solely because of the impact that character had on me. BD Wong is EVERYTHING.
There is an upsetting lack of BD Wong gifs on the internet.
dammit. Now if I don't have cheese fries, this whole day can be considered a wash.
Yesterday I cut my finger on the foil container housing my cheese fries and I really could use a compassion day off today :(
I think it's a miracle that every woman at the Oscars/post-Oscars parties aren't puking. I'm sure none of them have eaten solids in about two weeks, they've all been working out endlessly, crammed into Spanx, they finally start boozing and three sips later they are plastered.
I think I'm ODing on just one marijuana. I'm all hepped up on the goofballs.
Miley's headed down a dangerous drug. You can easily OD from just two marijuanas.
Male entitlement to women in the movies is another, probably related issue, but the fact still remains that even if there is an Asian male lead (rare) in an American Hollywood movie, the female lead will never be depicted at any time showing him physical affection. In almost every other movie with a Male lead and…
Re ladyboners — I remember when I was younger, I was more embracing of the (I think, cynical) postfeminist turnabout-is-fair-play attitude that supported objectification of males, but not so much anymore. Adding the racial element also smacks of entitlement and really rubs me the wrong way.