what does the fonz say

I told my wife that her brand is more successful than Paltrow's since my wife's company only lost $1,500 last year and GOOP lost $1.2M.

Barbaric, inhumane, disgusting and no better than the crimes these men committed. Acknowledging this truth in no way diminishes the vile crimes they committed but it sure as hell raises the inhumanity of the 'civilised' society which allows it.

I always answer that question with "Justice is not the same as revenge." And frankly, that's why victims don't get to decide what criminals are sentenced to: they are the complete opposite of a disinterested party.

One is rightly viewed as a horrific crime that goes against everything we hold to be right and good. The other is done in our collective names and with cheering approval. We call one a crime against our civilization and the other an approved part of it.

Agreed! I was visiting some relatives across the country, and I ended up getting grilled on my anti-death penalty position. "I don't think the state should kill people, because it puts innocent people wrongly convicted at risk, and because it is to the spiritual detriment of those you ask to participate — the

I am floored by the number of comments on this article from people who claim to be against the death penalty but who then write something along the lines of, "Except for this guy and the other guy because they deserve it." If you think anyone deserves it then you are not against the death penalty!

If you're worried that mere knowledge of the drugs that you're using to kill people could be used against you by anti-death penalty groups, it's probably because your executions are especially cruel.


Huh. Interesting. Thanks for info.

Yes, you said it more elegantly than I did. We need to stop criticizing each other. But we need to ramp UP the criticism of patriarchy, which makes us all less free, regardless of how we personally deal with this or that beauty ritual.

You're really dedicated to arguing against strawmen, aren't you?

Yes, ok, but: "the sense that bare minimum, concealer is critical to looking acceptable, whether at work, where you can be penalized for not wearing enough makeup, or just in life, where the effort of other, also-exposed women in your group normalizes the level of made-up-ness you operate at."

breaking news 20 year old women are attractive!!

I am wearing no make up. Every day, I come to work with no make up.

Yea, in his tweets about being a good parent Louis is showing he is a shitty parent in regards to education. Telling his daughter, "I don't like the problem therefore fuck it" is an incredibly stupid lesson.

Shhhh! She writes songs about love and boys and wears dresses all the time, she can't sit with us.

We Need To Talk About Kelvin.

Neither does she. Neither. Does. She.

Jenny Slate obviously didn't examine the finer points of Amelie's liberation through charity. She did what we all do - surround ourselves with DIY projects to enrich the lives of loved ones. We make small, anonymous gestures to provide the recipient a greater sense of universal justice, just as we do with the bullies.

Shoes that look like feet.