
I think it was Maureen Dowd’s terrible writing that blamed Tarantino.

Hi, BruthaBrad - Merritt made that statement following the incident, which was in December. Shelton was just indicted today.

Hi Woody. Didn’t know you had a Kinja account.

That is not a relationship, that’s a job and a terrible one at that.

Anyway, maybe let’s not brandish Alec Baldwin a drooling rapist sympathizer quite yet

Jezebel, What Are You Doing? Days of silence on the topic, and then what comes forth is not actually the thinkpiece on sexual coercion and the “ways consent can feel blurring”, on how predators purposefully use bullshit excuses about “miscommunication” to get away with it, about how Ansari is more representative of

I did this about 10 years ago. Living in an apartment complex and noticed some shady goings on with the people across the courtyard. Kids in and out but never for long and the kids looked unclean and hungry. Went on for awhile and finally I needed to do something. Called the police. The place got raided. Turned out

He married the daughter of his partner, they “fell in love” while he was her paternal figure, he took naked pictures of her and kept them hidden in a drawer I think and that’s how Mia found out.

It’s not harassment or predation if SHE’S INTO IT TOO, you asshat. My god. Consent does not kill happyfunsexytimes. If anything, it makes it more fun.

I’d be on your side if he wasn’t wearing a pin that said “Time’s Up”. Don’t wear a pin supporting a cause if you don’t even know what that cause is. And expect to be asked about it.

Me: *makes a joke*

Stephen Dorff AKA Deacon Frost AKA Marvel’s Sexiest Movie Villain™

There is also Paul the Apostle. Born “Saul” in Tarsus, Paul never actually met Jesus and was, in fact, the biggest asshole of all the apostles. In fact, his conversion only served to transform him from a gaping asshole to a raging asshole.

It would really help readers if you put up an actual photo of the goddamned tree.

Go fuck yourself

So, now he’s piss-poor?

Way to blame the victim asshole. They’re children being abused by a person in power, they don’t have the tools to make that judgement or to react appropiately. It’s not like there was high level institutional discussion that’s how he was “medically treating” athletes and they felt he was justified. Get fucked

Excuse you? You’re wrong, and pretty rude.

I never want to be so starving for internet attention that I race to be the first to make molestation jokes. You’re trash.

Cuz he’s an old famous dude that made people feel all tingly back in the 80's, so he gets a pass.