At the time, Penn insisted “Pappy Pariah” was a real person...
At the time, Penn insisted “Pappy Pariah” was a real person...
“At 24/25, Page was no longer a girl and had the maturity to turn down a Woody Allen film if she so wished.”
Well, thanks goodness some dickbag on Kinja knows Ellen Page better than she knows herself.
exactly. Fuck him and fuck him twice for waiting until his livelihood started to suffer. I am skeptical that he’s sorry about what he did. He’s only sorry he got caught.
Go fist yourself.
oh!! I have a good ghost story. Should have posted this one instead of what I did post but w/e.
I miss back when these were typed out and I could just read them without alerting everyone in all of the neighboring offices.
Knowing how craggy Miyazaki is, I’m surprised he didn’t say the reason was that everyone else is terrible at it, so really, he *needs* to come back. Looking forward to seeing what work he produces. :)
Nice cynical take. No, he got played like a stupid drug addicted older white guy who likes doing blow off (redacted) black women while having moral issues about black men kneeling for that stupid song while protesting inequality. He got exactly what he deserved and so far, as far I can tell... only other white men…
Why was that video instead of text? There was no commentary; it was just words on a screen. It means you can’t watch it on your phone or read it discreetly at work and it uses a shitton more data. And makes your computer run hotter.
Gonna go out on a limb and say I think his biggest mistake was committing sexual assault.
I’ve got to agree, except for the swearing. She broke the studio system, she created United Artists with Charlie Chaplin and one other guy whose name escapes me right now, which was literally a movie studio run for the benefit of the employees, like a credit union, sort of. She isn’t just a survivor or a goddess,…
If you’re suggesting Sandy for Pres, I second your nom. She’s already saved Peter Gallagher from the L, the world from cyberterrorists, and herself from space. Some Republicans might be against the whole jumping-off-the-roof-every-Halloween thing, but she did save all those beauty queens when she was an F.B.I.…
Yeah, please fuck off forever. I’ve lived through catastrophic natural disasters. People need to eat and drink clean water. Christ, go jerk yourself off with Atlas Shrugged again, you wretched piece of shit.
Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.
I don’t know, SHough, do you have a version where RYAN GOSLING DOESN’T STARE AT HIS FEET WHILE HE DANCES?! Until then, shitting on La La Land is a fucking evergreen.
It’s not either or, though! We do have to educate and fight these people being radicalized. We ALSO should be conducting raids on their homes and places of business and freezing their assets and sending them to Gitmo because they are fucking terrorists.
Yup. Absolutely. Every single woman on this earth knows that fucking pull away.
Is that, Sarah Conner?
Since mayonnaise is garbage sent to earth directly from hell and cream cheese is an utter delight, I think they might be ok!