
lol at the baby dino’s face being pixelated.

Sorry tabloids, you’re a week late to the Brangelina divorce party, we’ve had our fun and now it’s just sad.

My college roommate kept mini kit-kats in the freezer instead of mini peanut butter cups. He was a monster.

I’m maintaining the same streak with the help of the cargo shorts/Crocs twosie.

I’ve shared this before on here, but I used to literally race home from middle school in order to hate watch this show. The mom was on my list of most hated, along with Simon, the oldest brother, and the dad.

so thats what a seventh degree burn looks like...

Absolutely damn right they will, and they should.

Makes sense, she can’t stay with someone for too long. Otherwise they start asking questions about how she never ages and needs permission to enter people’s homes.

When you’re mom’s all like “I don’t want you buying a motorcycle Timmy, they’re not safe” and you buy one anyways, so she runs you over just to prove a point.

“Hope it pays for a maid.”

Sometimes, victims of rape will try to rationalize the assault or pretend that nothing happened because it’s easier than dealing with the trauma. People deal with trauma in different ways, and unless you’ve been there it’s really tough to understand.

I am reminded of the following...


That last one...

“thought it was reasonable for [the accused] to penetrate you for a few more minutes if he was going to finish.”

He also inadvertently admitted he has no idea how sex with a willing partner’s vagina works, so there’s that.

this makes me incredibly happy

Remember when people thought they were soooo youneek for naming their kid Aiden (which isn’t even the proper spelling of that name OMG my stab hand is acting up again) or Ava?

I just keep finding reasons to use this.