This straight up is the best descriptor! Thank you for putting into words what I have been attempting to convey for years!
This straight up is the best descriptor! Thank you for putting into words what I have been attempting to convey for years!
It feels funny to star you for something horrible, without acknowledging you or your story. I believe you and stand with you. You aren’t alone.
A random apostrophe or two would have really set it off. Like D’Ekla’n. Or De’k-z’lan. (the Z being silent of course).
Thank you for making my heart grow three sizes today.
Came looking forward to this. Was not disappointed.
I was legit upset that he said hi to my name the other day.
I would pay good money to watch Rachel Madoow eat this turkey’s liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.
I’m doing two bottles of cheap cheap cheap ‘champagne’. I keep it classy like that.
You and me both. I don’t step in cat vomit on the regular, and it’s freaking me the fuck out.
You must know that will never, ever happen. Papa’s gotta milk his cash cow. Sad, but true.
Let’s get real... a vegetable is only truly edible if it’s been cooked in bacon grease, smothered in butter and cheese with bacon crumbled over the top. #truth #baconislife #baconbaconbacon #bringmeallthebacon #youheardme #allthebacon #hashtag
I am so fucking glad she has attorney. Hopefully she’ll get a fat settlement out of the deal and can get a good financial start in her adult life thanks to it. God knows her adolescence has sucked balls.
And in other news, I’m going straight to hell.