
Is it bad that I want it to be a sex position?

I was afraid to Google that, I’ll be honest.

I aim to please

Still my favorite gif of all time

First they came for my beef and I did nothing, then they came for my bacon and I accidentally found myself agreeing with a nutjob.

There’s this newfangled thing called detention. I’m not sure, but that might have been a better course of action than, I dunno, assault. Maybe that’s just the cop-hater in me talking.

I think you have an incredible strength and grace, just by reading this and your responses to some of the obvious butt-wipes who responded in the comments (looking at you redstatebluewoman).

Hello, lunch.

Don’t care. Bring me my bacon.

Ooh, ooh, I know, I know. Pick me!

I know, oh god, I know. He’s just so reprehensible, though. Usually I feel bad for the sign people - the end is nigh folks or vote for Jeb! morons. But I see this guy every Friday and I just want to throw waterballoons filled with red water and little plastic fetuses at him.

I have lost the power of words. Commincation now solely via gifs

Yeah. He’s protecting “INNOCENTS”. Sure. Pull the other one, fella, it’s got bells on it.

You and me both. And I tried that cup thing and ... it wasn’t for me. I’m too fucking clumsy. Here, lets just dump blood and clots all over the floor of the bathroom at my job! YAY!

I hope you gave her a good, old fashioned:

So he’s excused from consequences because of his age? Nope. I absolutely think it’s appropriate that he should be scrutinized and demonized for his reprehensible actions. He’s a rapist and no amount of ‘boys will be boys’ and ‘he was too young to understand’ will ever make right the way he preyed on that girl.

I’d award you the internets if I could.

I really didn’t know Ariane/a Grande was in that movie.


Randilyn, it’s not a joke you actually want to be in on. Like Beiber-peen, it cannot be unseen or unread. Trust me.