
I noticed her abruptness but agree with So You’re a Tiger. Rebecca wanted to keep talking but Paula had other things to do that were more important (finals). I was relieved as I felt on edge all episode about Paula getting busted and losing out on her law school dream.

She definitely manipulated Paula back in the Josh is a Liar episode when she told Paula her brief/lawsuit was weak in order to get her to change revenge plans.

I think the type of job makes the difference. The article is geared toward those who have “do anywhere” type jobs. If you’re a freelance writer, for instance, you can live anywhere while completing your assignments. No work permit needed for this type of job. You would only need to deal with a work permit if you plan

Ack! I mis-typed. It was 12 weeks not 20. Not that it matters. Just the fog of old grief I guess.

I am so so sorry!!!! I’m sending you a giant huge massive virtual hug right now. (Close your eyes. Can you feel it? I hope so!) I have lost a pregnancy myself (at 20 weeks) but still can only imagine the agony of the situation you are facing. For me it was like being on the world’s best roller coaster of joy and