
The most valuable wealth building tool a recent grad has is time. Smart people will leverage the crap out of that fact. I have friends who were maxing out their retirement accounts on run of the mill, entry level salaries, fresh out of school because they’re smart and understand that it’s much easier to build good

Let people file a claim against the disability insurance policy that they spend their entire working lives paying for then change their premium afterwards to make sure they’re not impacted on the old age portion.

Who is responsible for the primary residence as an investment trope?


Management is forever incompetent, filled with excess, and leading the company down the path to ruin (if you ask the young rank and file employee). I don’t think I’ve ever had a conversation about management that couldn’t be, to varying extents, summarized that way.

I wonder if they would vote for Obama a third time if they could.

It was her turn to be responsible for the music that particular day. I don’t know whether The Root’s article mentioned that but it has been mentioned elsewhere.

I’m not sure why you think what you just posted runs contrary to what I stated. The fact that there were Obama voters that flipped does not change the facts.

If you don’t think that white progressives routinely point to aspects of America’s history that they think are great, despite those aspects almost certainly not being great for non-white people, I don’t think you’re paying attention.

Who is people?

So you think that there’s going to be a massive shift in electoral participation rates that didn’t materialize when, by Splinter standards, the most progressive dude to run for president since FDR showed up?

The real issue is right here.

Your help is very much appreciated!

The proper response to “white racial resentment was the strongest predictor of a Trump vote” is not “Not all white people!”

Sooo your response to “Studies have shown this was the strongest indicator of which way people would vote” is “but what about the people that didn’t vote.”

The strongest indicator of a Trump vote was white racial resentment. Numerous academic studies on the election have come to that conclusion. It’s not my opinion. It’s a fact.

Trump played the white racial resentment card. That card has always been a winner in America. Undefeated. Democrats screwed up believing America is better than that. Progressives continue to screw up by believing America is better than that.

Bernie is the candidate for mediocre ass white people in a world where mediocre ass whiteness is no longer a guaranteed ticket to a comfortable, middle-class, life.

I don’t think nervous is the correct adjective for this headline.

I think it’s funny that your idea of progressive and liberal cities consists exclusively of upper middle class, wealthy, cities that are rife with the sort of problems HamNo rails about. Also, because they are liberal cities they’re why this will, unfortunately, never happen.