


You forgot “When the federal government starts discussing passing legislation that’s going to change the way issuers operate”.

Can VPN please stop being the tech blogosphere’s magical silver bullet for everything privacy? Particularly when the setups available on the consumer market are hardly anything a cyber security expert would call private?

Where did I say anything to indicate that I wanted everyone or even anyone to agree with me? I pointed out the fact that there are likely tens of millions of American voters that will sit down, look at the math, and the deciding factor will be whether the result is positive or negative for them and the “debate” is

If white America had the sort of capacity required to feel that much shame I don’t think we’d have our current racial dynamics.

I think you are the one that missed the point.

I don’t assume I’ll never get sick because that’s a foolish assumption. Everyone gets old and old and sick go hand in hand. Old people also account for the overwhelming majority of our healthcare spending.

Good for you. There are far more that feel like they already give enough. That’s why we have the system we have.

Politicians suggest policy, people evaluate how that policy impacts their personal situation, then they vote one way or the other. That is how our system works. 330 million individuals figuring out whether stuff makes their life better or not.

It’s easy to be on board with something when you aren’t going to have to make any of the sacrifices required to make it a reality.

Congratulations. You just broke through and admitted that there are going to be tens of millions of people that will pay more.

No. You seem to think that money has value independent of the services/goods being exchanged using it as a medium. The paper does not belong to me. The goods/services that have value do. Take all the money away and people will still exchange those goods and services the same way people always have. You’ll be left with

You keep talking about the macro level. People do not vote at the macro level. The question on single payer healthcare that people are going to vote on in the voting booth is whether it helps them or not. No one gives a shit about the US’ per capita spending except economists and people that don’t understand that

The problem with this line of thought is that you’ve taken a macro level average statistic and blindly applied it to an individual.

Do individuals vote at a macro level? No.

For a third and final time.

Please explain to me how any of what you said is relevant when I’m picking between an option that I’m perfectly satisfied with and one that would cost me nearly five times more money according to Sanders’ plan.

Again... what in the holy hell are you talking about?

The 2.2% payroll tax Bernie Sanders suggested creating to pay for MfA is more than four times what I currently spend on healthcare.