I am excited for the day when progressives manage to nuke the housing market. It’s going to be an exciting time to buy.
I am excited for the day when progressives manage to nuke the housing market. It’s going to be an exciting time to buy.
It conveys the fact that there is no fixing it. There’s just people stomping around and shaking their fists and wanting to do something even if that something is pissing into a 30 MPH headwind.
You ask for help when you need help. You need help when you’ve exhausted your other options. If you’re driving around in a likely five figures worth of potential liquidity you haven’t exhausted your options yet.
I allow myself one designated hobby. Related expenses don’t trigger much guilt. Outside of that anytime I want to buy something stupid I have to ask myself “Will this stupid thing measurably improve your quality of life or happiness beyond the immediate term?”
What do you think “fixing” Facebook accomplishes?
God I hope you guys get the stars to align and have an opportunity to support this statement with something like a presidency, national level wins, or policy. I dunno, something more substantial than Bernie Sanders’ poll numbers and a handful of instances of performative progressivism.
Tell me about your grand plan for installing training wheels on life so that people will never screw it up. I’m genuinely interested because I’m a professional idiot-proofer and every day I gain a greater appreciation for just how brilliant the universe is at producing bigger and better idiots.
The national conversation we need to have is in regard to the fact that college’s stock is looking like it desperately needs a dramatic correction.
You guys are trying to fix a bullet wound with band-aids.
Woah woah woah woah. This is Splinter. Are you sure your name isn’t Debbie? Donna? or maybe Hillary?
The problem with this sentiment is that the algorithm gives people what they want. What you’re implying is that Facebook needs people to step in and be adults on behalf of other, less capable people.
Unintended consequences in 5... 4... 3... 2...
Dunning-Kruger is pervasive in America. Literally hundreds of millions of back-seat drivers with little to no domain expertise that feel inclined to provide their take on the “obvious” solutions to problems.
The solution is regulation created by domain experts as well as strict enforcement. Does that make stuff more expensive? Yes. Doing things right is more expensive than doing things half-assedly.
The individual mandate drove up healthcare costs for young and healthy people that would have otherwise gone without. The individual mandate brings down prices for older, sicker, people.
Why don’t you let the rest of us in on your plan to do something different because I’m pretty sure that “wage slavery” indefinitely is most people’s plan.
Define making it big.
If Democrats in Minnesota want Richard Painter to represent them in D.C. that’s their business, that’s democracy, and that’s the end of the discussion.