
If you can’t explain to people how thousands of dollars in additional taxes are going to make their lives better (because it will make them measurably worse) then it sounds like your platform has some holes.

If cluelessness is knowing that single payer healthcare is polling in the 50s and isn’t “one of the policies people agree on”, that Sanders lost because he didn’t get the votes, and that the Democrats did not lose for lack of messaging, then yep, ya got me. Guilty.

Please explain for the tens of millions of registered Democrats that have already paid for college and already have quality healthcare how MfA, free college tuition, and the corresponding tax hikes and reductions in purchasing power “make [our lives] better”.

It’s not a third party. It’s the party that all Americans are desperately yearning for according to people around here. It’d be a total landslide.

Thank you for that insightful analysis captain obvious. Do you have any more gems to share?

At what point do many of the same people that love to complain about needing a third party, ya know, do that?

No. Taxing a fifth of the country and spending it on everyone else is what got us to the point of having to talk about fiscal responsibility. No one said anything about inequality. The fact that the US is a country full of children that all insist that their taxes are too much but those other people’s taxes are too

We already do that. That’s what got us here. Were you not paying attention?

Fiscal responsibility doesn’t involve everyone helping to eliminate our deficit and eventually our debt? Interesting! Please tell me your definition of fiscal responsibility. 

I’m sorry but this is as dumb an assertion as the Republicans claiming cutting corporate taxes was going to trigger job growth and wage increases.

Your source says absolutely nothing about the budgetary implications. If you have some analysis somewhere that says Sanders’ plan wouldn’t have added anything to the debt or deficit I’d love to see it.

Fiscally responsible?

Which group of people is it that have a well documented tendency to assume that their position is the default again? I’m having trouble remembering...

We’re primates. Primates are tribal. We didn’t “become” that way. We’ve always been that way.

Government can’t give to one group of people without taking from another group. Are the people that have their stuff taken supposed to be happy that the bill for “[making] it ok to be a loser” showed up on their doorstep?

A single parent making federal minimum wage is likely on all kinds of local, state, and federal assistance programs including housing assistance already. 16k is below the federal poverty line for a family of two.

A single minimum wage worker can’t afford to have a kid either.

Keep in mind that although there are millions of Americans with seven figure net worth there are relatively few with seven figure incomes. A seven figure net worth isn’t license to spend money like it’s nothing. Even an eight figure net worth isn’t that.

MotoGP uses the blue flag. F1 uses the blue flag. MotoAmerica uses the blue flag. Your local club racing org probably uses the blue flag. Probably everyone that follows FIA/FIM standards uses the blue flag. Being in front of someone does not mean you’re faster than them when there’s timing equipment that says