
If you’re significantly off pace you aren’t in the race and shouldn’t be impeding racers that are. If you’re just out there taking up space you aren’t “properly” in front of someone two seconds a lap quicker.

A single, minimum wage earning, person should be able to afford two people worth of apartment because?

If you are a second, or worse more than a second, slower than someone you are not “racing”. You are a rolling road block as well as a safety hazard (as we saw) and a blue flag would be appropriate.

Sanders’ plans from when he was running were scary. Raising taxes on everyone and still not being able to afford to pay for his stuff is an indicator that his stuff is not actually affordable.

What does this mean?

The fact that the market has been consistently trending up in the long term since forever? The fact that compound interest in the long run will absolutely trounce an annuity? The fact that the annuity loses value to inflation every year? The fact that people that stay at with a single employer for longer than 3-5

It’s interesting/telling how the things these black leaders have said about white Americans are still accurate and applicable many decades later.

How does one have an educated/informed opinion about the value of management without ever having been in a management role?

Have you ever been employed in a position that required you to lead knowledge workers?

You said something. It was stupid. Someone that knows better called you on it and referenced someone you probably worship in the process. Rather than admitting, ok that was stupid, you double down, and you continue to do so. Just admit to being wrong. There’s nothing wrong with saying “Oops. I didn’t think that

I’m pretty sure my grasp of the definition of the word rapidly pretty vastly exceeds your understanding of how wealth works in 2018.

Piketty says you need a global wealth tax. There’s a substantial difference between some magical redistribution event and a global tax that prohibits this sort of state from happening in the first place.

My guess is that Thomas Piketty has thought more deeply about this than you ever will and he seems pretty convinced that a radical redistribution event is temporary and that market forces when left to their own devices will lead us right back to where we are in the long term.

Radical equality would momentarily reset everything to zero. Then the market would take over again and we’d rapidly return to where we are. Society doesn’t think brain surgery and pizza delivery are of equal value and it likely never will.

If you can gather up all the dollars from entitlements, assistance, social programs, etc and come up with a more efficient way to spend that existing money without raising taxes on anyone cool. Otherwise I’m not interested. I think you’ll be hard pressed to find a significant group of people with significant, net

I think what you and I have is a difference of opinion on the definition of “safety net”. A safety net is to stop you from falling and splattering all over the ground. It’s a backup measure for when everything else has gone wrong. No one should be planning to use the safety net for anything. Planning to use the

I don’t view this as an incentive. Eliminating the risks associated with failure is foundational and should be compensated as such. It’s not socializing the risks of the business itself. It’s socializing the founders’ risks.

“Initiatives whose impacts cross neighborhood and class lines and increase upward mobility specifically for black men hold the greatest promise of narrowing the black-white gap.”

Your goods and services are worth what people are willing to pay for them. There is no “what they’re actually worth” beyond that.