
There’s nothing wrong with college if people honestly evaluate it as the earning power modification activity that it is. People need to do their homework. Borrowing 31k to make 35k/year is idiotic. Borrowing 31k to make 100k/year is totally reasonable and a debt that a 22 year old making 100k/year could trivially

What are you classifying as financial aid?

I used to work in the client-side group for a network security software company...

It’s protection from having your card declined and having to suffer through the unfair embarrassment and implicit shaming that comes from other people seeing it happen.

Children have been a luxury since people stopped needing more hands to help out with the work.

How does that help anyone that’s willing to sign a binding agreement without reading the binding agreement first?

It means they fired the guy.

Don’t worry. I will.

Riiiight. Build wealth the way everyone else does is a fantasy but everyone working full time “deserving” a house, a car, two kids, retirement, healthcare and everything middle class comfort entails is totally real.

I think you missed that part.

Ding ding ding ding.

Essentially half of Americans have zero dollars invested.

They don’t want to deal with gun violence. They want grand, symbolic, ultimately empty, gestures that make people feel like they’re doing something even though they aren’t.

Citation please.

Rational people want equal or better coverage for less than they currently pay.

You are asking people to trade real dollars for protection against hypothetical problems. Americans can’t even handle trading today’s “living” for tomorrow’s retirement and you think this is different?

Pool “our” resources.

Let me ask that question a different way.

How much are you willing to see your taxes increased for universal healthcare?

You think Apple’s board is acting selfishly and choosing to make less money than they could because reasons?