
People don’t give Moore’s Law enough respect. If your job isn’t creative and knowledge based the writing is on the wall.

All women?

Maybe you should consult some of that evidence. Preferably the kind that doesn’t come from your ass. If black people don’t show up then white people are the only ones that do.

The tax base has shrunk. The “rich” are paying the same share they were paying in the late 70s. Everyone else is paying less. Marginal tax rates may have changed but effective rates, the rates that actually matter, haven’t moved all that much for high earners.

Black voter turnout has been trending up for the past two decades and is second only to white voter turnout rates. I would not say that black voters do not show up, even historically.

I don’t personally care what Democrats are saying until they have the power to do something. Until that point Democrats are just engaging in political theater.

That was your takeaway?

Black people’s support for Democrats has almost always been a pragmatic position. It’s not about principles. Black people have two options and one is a bit less shit than the other one so that’s the one black people overwhelmingly pick.

America’s tax base has been eroding and the group of people that fund the day to day operation of the federal government is getting smaller and smaller. Even today 70% of income tax revenue comes from 20% of the population. How much worse do you think that stat needs to become before people in that group start


In terms of policy wins what exactly are your principles worth again?

Nah. Secretly operated by a Russian troll farm.

Let me ask you a different question.

If you peek at those bills you’ll see that most of them have been dead for at least a year or two. I think Sanders led his little “free college” wave to shore in 2016, it broke, and now people have moved on to other things for the most part.

I have a black and white view of a black and white issue.

I’m in favor of bumping the minimum wage high enough to disqualify people from local, state, and federal assistance programs then cutting taxes to “refund” those program dollars.

The media has focused on a really small segment of the student loan holding population giving people the impression that things are dire when they really aren’t.

As I said in my previous comment work is a “fuck you, pay me” kind of operation. I couldn’t care less about being labeled anything other than paid.

I have a hard time reading that from a person that probably passes as white as much more than an unintentionally transparent “If they treat us the way we treated them we’re in trouble so we’d better patch things up quick like.”

Only 3% of households with student loan debt have balances in excess of 100k. 13% have a balance over 50k. 75% have a balance under 29k. Average indebtedness is 26k. Median indebtedness is 13k. Average income within that population is 72k/year.