If the opportunity cost of coughing up the money up front exceeds the cost of financing that’s reasonable debt.
If the opportunity cost of coughing up the money up front exceeds the cost of financing that’s reasonable debt.
That is what the labor pool is.
You are either a partner, good and bad, or not.
A problem with the progressive perspective is the complete and total failure to acknowledge that there’s a massive difference between a government that literally gives money to people that otherwise wouldn’t have it (via government programs) and tax breaks that allow the people that earned money in the first place to…
One in six. Not two thirds.
Has it ever occurred to you that this might just be your opinion or that entering discussions where you treat your opinions as fact might not be a particularly effective persuasion strategy?
If that’s the standard is the US getting abolished too? Overdue for it even?
Except that’s exactly what Splinter’s merry little band of followers want. It’s not hard to be “rich” in Splinter’s eyes.
I’d say it’s stunning how few people understand this but it really isn’t. Same for gains.
Except it’ll work just like last time and the Democrat will extend the cut for everyone except the tippy top most earners.
The funny thing about higher taxes is that everyone paid higher taxes. It wasn’t just the top. America could probably do all sorts of stuff if high earners paid more. America could also do a metric fuckload of stuff if the top fifth wasn’t already paying 70% of the federal income taxes.
Amazon’s dominance has never been about geography or disability or life circumstances. Amazon is crushing brick and mortar because paying to have something brought to your door means you get to spend your time doing whatever it is that you’d rather be doing instead of shopping.
Speaking to the ownership portion of the article you only own the copyright for your content. If it’s copyrightable in the first place. You do not own the bits sitting on some drive in some data center somewhere. Twitter might choose to make those things available to users but it’s not likely to be out of legal…
Single people without dependents that don’t itemize making 60k-99k/year.
The bonuses are likely PR moves that happened as a result of the tax bill passing.
Here’s the bottom line. If West Virginia can’t pay its teachers the teachers have every right to (and should) leave. Period.
Spending cuts are en route. Don’t worry.
I really don’t get how people can fervently claim to be members of the poor underclass that’s struggling just to keep the lights on then shit on an extra thousand bucks.
If you don’t own stock in 2018 you aren’t trying to build wealth.