
You can’t have rights that infringe on other people’s rights.

What exactly does that have to do with the fact that West Virginia is one of the poorest states in the country, doesn’t have much in the way of “rich” people for progressive policy to ream, and so the best bet for better opportunity is getting the hell out?

I’m pretty sure there’s no party overtly claiming to want to do this because tax hikes, particularly across the board tax hikes, are politically toxic.

It’s not punishment. Living in California, as an example, has a cost and now Californians will be responsible for more of that cost rather than leveraging the federal tax code to socialize the expense.

Math sure is inconvenient sometimes. The federal revenue stream has the exact same problem. It’s what happens when you enact a super progressive income tax system.

The entitlement is strong with this one...

Think carefully about putting down more than the minimum that the bank requires.

Where is the money supposed to come from? The businesses that have no desire to be based there? The coal companies that are there but are watching their customers shift to cheaper, cleaner, and sometimes even renewable fuels? The fat cats that don’t even live there in the first place? The normal people with

Companies that have stuck their neck out and engaged in any sort of partnership that might be interpreted as contentious by either side of the spectrum have been beaten up pretty frequently over the past year. The precedent has already been set.

I was going to tell you that the union should be pushing to get West Virginia’s median up around the national median but after getting some more context this whole strike just looks shameful. The shit state of affairs in West Virginia can be traced almost directly to the state’s massive dependence on coal as an

Ok, so you are slow.

Are you slow?

We’ve already been over this.

I will reach peak happiness when I have enough money that I don’t have to set my alarm clock at night. Until then? Nah.

Where is a responsible individual “hardly getting by” on 65k/year?

I guess I wasn’t clear.

500% of shit is still shit.

The state of West Virginia is a shitty employer. It was a shitty employer five years ago. It’s going to be a shitty employer next year. More than likely the ten after that too.

If you have to organize a state-wide strike to get a 5% raise your employer sucks and you need to go work for someone else.

Are you implying that people “deserve” a government funded living wage just for existing and being American?