
I think the strategy should really be maximizing the return for your money.

The Hitler Youth aren’t the real problem. It’s the every day “not in my neighborhood”, “they aren’t going to allow those kids to come here” types that are the real problem. The Hitler Youth are absolutely extremists. The other kind are as common as a cold.

The “low” class is not funding the federal government. Funding their own retirement/old age health benefits? Sure. The general operation of the federal government? Absolutely not.

People here like to ignore the role that American voters play in the whole process. If you let them tell it politicians get to and stay in DC purely on the assistance of the Koch brothers. 

Best by what percentage?

Republicans might not have anything for PoC but they definitely have a platform for people with six plus figure incomes and/or seven plus figure net worth.

The one you live in?

If unarmed black men cause these officers to fear for their lives why would anyone expect anything different when there’s an armed, active, shooter?

Did you think the principle of paying that $2.50 was really worth the possibility of having a collection on your credit report?

“The gun show loophole” is not about gun shows. It is, as I said, about the fact that private transactions do not require background checks.

Maybe the polling should change from “Do you support closing the gun show loophole” to “Do you support banning private firearm sales” to see what the real level of support for a real policy option is rather than deliberately trying to obscure the point.

How does one close the gun show loophole? I was under the impression that the gun show loophole refers to the fact that private sellers have no real capacity to conduct background checks. Are they going to make private sales illegal?

I think these numbers have to be taken with a huge grain of salt because the federal government doesn’t run via ballot referendum. Gun control as a policy matter doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Those people want gun control the way I want a six pack. Neither is happening because neither party (me in the case of a six pack

I came to understand that wealth is generally built over decades.

1) The MID is flagrantly regressive.

The Obama White House, the Congressional Budget Office, The Brookings Institute, The Tax Policy Center, and the Urban Institute are all cherry picked “disinformation and confusion” but your anecdotal perspective as someone who literally makes money financing houses is the truth that everyone should believe.

You did not say what your example couple makes. No one can determine what the MID is worth to them without knowing what they make.

The mortgage interest deduction is quite possibly the most overrated deduction in the tax code as far as regular folks should be concerned. If people understood that its benefits are primarily distributed to a handful of zip codes it would have been eliminated long ago.

I get that home ownership is the primary mechanism through which most Americans build wealth and that’s one of the problems with redlining but can we talk about the fact that most Americans (even the white ones) aren’t actually worth shit? Investing is how you build real wealth in this country. Passive income is