
Every time one of those educated, middle/upper-middle class, white, “identity politics” slamming, progressives wants to talk about how they’ve been exploited by Amazon, Uber, the university they went to, the “rich” which they seem to define as anyone with more than them, and life in general my blood boils.

I don’t think the US has ever had an administration that doesn’t give open legitimacy to white supremacy. Even Obama’s respectability politics/finger wagging at the black community were, at the end of the day, something of a nod to white supremacy’s deeply embedded influence.

May be?

The key to saving money (and building wealth) is paying yourself first and automating the process.

My position is indisputable. 60% of Americans have effective federal income tax rates that are negative or near zero. Fact. The top 40% pick up 80% of the tab. Fact.

Stronger and bolder?

The finished lower receiver of an AR platform weapon is what the ATF considers to be the firearm. That’s the part of an AR platform weapon that has a serial number.

I like how both times I asked you for your plan or even someone’s plan to solve the real inequality problem in the US you had nothing. Figures.

Point to one mainstream politician that has campaigned on radical redistribution of income and wealth from white households exclusively to black and brown households. One. YOU are the rich. YOUR money is the money that needs to be taken.

Please clue me in on your noble redistribution plan for closing the gap between the rich median white household that’s 80 some odd times wealthier than the corresponding black and latino households. Please explain how you’re going to redistribute wealth from those rich white households to the poor black and latino

I laughed out loud at this one.

By Splinter standards (read: foolish standards) I’m already “rich” so your temporarily embarrassed millionaire talking point kinda falls flat. Never mind the fact that ending up with a seven figure net worth isn’t actually very difficult given four working decades to work at it.

The Bush tax cuts are the explanation for your “smoking gun”. The top marginal tax rate was 35% from 2003 to 2013. There literally couldn’t be households in the above 35% range in that timeframe. The top rate has since gone back up and now that’s mathematically possible again.

I’m sorry but at this point I’m pretty sure you are seriously confused about how taxes work. First and foremost 35% is a marginal rate. It is not an effective rate. It is also only applicable for regular, earned income.

I don’t have a report on that but that’s not really separate. That’s still just classified as income tax and the average 1%er paid 23.6% in 2013.

I think Rihanna might have something to tell you about “goodwill” in future negotiations.

Most people are bad at managing their money. The financial illiteracy pandemic is in no way specific to poor people.

Please allow me to introduce you all to... the adult in the room.

The Trump/Rubio plan gets one thing absolutely right. Parental leave should be financed by parents. Payroll taxes should be reserved for things that provide direct, universal, benefits to the people impacted by the tax.

If you have a STEM degree you’ve probably read/been told that your job is building idiot proof systems while the universe is busy building bigger and better idiots... and the universe is winning.