At 21 you can rent a car from most of the big rental car companies. You’ll get hit with a surcharge for being under 25 though and it’s a substantial one but it’s doable.
At 21 you can rent a car from most of the big rental car companies. You’ll get hit with a surcharge for being under 25 though and it’s a substantial one but it’s doable.
Splinter will probably hire them to write about the struggle.
If the government gives you five tries and you screw up five times whose fault is it if you show up for try number six?
Does Destiny 2 even have high end activities? Seems to me that the end game is pretty non-existent. Get to 335 and there’s literally nothing left to do for a reward in PvE.
I’m sorry that you’d prefer to make up your own definitions so the discussion suits your ideological leanings rather than using the ones conveniently provided by the taxing entity itself.
The federal government has a definition of what it counts as income tax and FICA isn’t included in it. If you don’t like their definition feel free to argue about it with them.
If you make six figures for an extended period of time and do not retire as a millionaire it’s because you made questionable financial decisions (up to/including having kids, buying that dumbass house, buying that dumbass car, etc). It only takes two million dollars to enter “the real 5%”. That’s not difficult for…
I concede that there are clearly numerous stupid people out there with exceedingly large investment portfolios that get bent out of shape over downturns that, in the grand scheme of things, don’t matter.
People aren’t good at estimating. People aren’t good at dividing tasks into small chunks that can be reasonably estimated in the first place. So when knowledge workers are asked for estimates you end up with large, round, mostly bullshit numbers that might be off by full orders of magnitude.
Not if you intend to reform SS/Medicare next.
There’s a world of difference between running around like a chicken with your head cut off (normal people behavior) and understanding that this stuff happens cyclically, the market has always rebounded, and that you have the reserves to ride it out (professional investor behavior).
You’re conflating marginal tax rates and effective tax rates.
Are you working for the “professional investors” or are you working for normal people that have regular jobs but large incomes and correspondingly large portfolios?
Are they?
I’m pretty confident that your definition of “essential government services” does not mesh with Rand Paul’s.
I don’t think you and Rand Paul share the same definition of viable.
You do know that you can want both right? Pretty sure the Pauls are into the whole taxation is theft, let people keep their money, perspective on things.
You’re right.