
Losses (and gains) aren’t realized until you perform some sort of transaction...

How did you lose 50% of your portfolio by sitting on your hands and doing absolutely nothing?

Maybe you put it out there so people see that this shit is happening even at the highest levels in American politics? So people can’t keep denying it?

No that’s Tennessee’s flag.

Nah let’s not humanize that one. Just following orders has never been a good excuse.

The author is suggesting that Democrats should run on repealing the tax bill. That’s raising everyone’s taxes. That is not a winning plan.

You can’t run on repealing the tax bill because there are millions of Democratic voters and middle class voters in general that got substantial reductions in their tax bills as a result.

Is it class? Is it? Is it? Bernie said it was class. It’s class right?

I think the “broken Democratic party” narrative centers on the idea that people just don’t know what the Democratic party stands for and if the Democratic party did a competent job of messaging people would flood to the polls to vote for them. It’s overly concerned with the white working class and their supposed

Except tough it out and remember that this is a long term play is exactly what people with years or decades left on the clock needed to do.


The sad part here is that anyone with 200-300 bucks a month or 3k up front to spend on snake oil already has more than enough disposable income to start working at building their net worth.

Except everyone trying to beat/time the market eventually gets hammered.

Wealth building is a decades long process.

Imagine a random black man. If we split his struggles between the fact that he’s a black man in an anti-black country world and the fact that he belongs to his random class I’m going to go out on a limb and say the overwhelming majority of that man’s struggles are due to his race.

The USDA says raising a kid to age 18 costs 12-14k/year. Add in another likely six figures if you want your kid to have a secondary education and a shot at having a decent, self-sufficient, life.

Are you saying America should be a country where it’s perfectly fine to start a family you have zero real hope of being able to afford?

It’s not difficult to receive a larger share of an income tax cut when the bottom 40% of Americans average negative income tax liability and the next 20% average around 2%.

Seems pretty normal for any business where you’re creating intellectual property for an employer. I wonder how much of the non-competeish clauses are enforceable though.

If you haven’t put together an emergency fund and started to ensure the security of your retirement should you really be doing anything else?