Except our problems aren’t class based. You do not get a Trump presidency in a country where the problems are class based. If anything the response to Obama’s presidency from certain people is proof that the class narrative is wrong.
Except our problems aren’t class based. You do not get a Trump presidency in a country where the problems are class based. If anything the response to Obama’s presidency from certain people is proof that the class narrative is wrong.
Can we not with this? It’s one thing for the people over on Splinter to believe Grandpa Chad “votes against his own self-interests” but really Grandpa Chad just hates black people. That’s his #1 interest. He votes in line with his priorities.
Ding ding ding ding ding.
What do the 20k new employees contribute to the city’s tax revenue?
I was refuting the statement that I quoted as it is incorrect on the points that I mentioned.
Would a libertarian agree with the previously described notion of a “livable wage”?
Kids are the expense people are incredibly foolish about. People need shelter. Everyone does not need to procreate.
Regulations are perfectly fine when they exist to protect our rights.
Businesses are money making enterprises and not employment programs.
Workers should be paid enough that they are ineligible for any state or federal assistance programs that might be available to them. If that’s your definition of “living wage” then I agree that that’s what the minimum should be set at.
Retirement account balances are not untouchable and although the value of a retirement account’s assets can go up or down over time the amount of assets in the retirement account, assuming you don’t withdraw form it and continue to put money in, is strictly increasing.
I think it actually comes from the tax payers that were forking it over in the first place and will now get to keep it instead.
When 40% of the population pays 80% of the federal income taxes how is a tax bill supposed to be anything but regressive?
America as a collective can afford pretty much anything. America does not exist as a collective. Never has. There is no “we”. America is a country of individuals, families, and a few loosely tied blocs at best. When you guys say “We can afford X” you’re totally ignoring that reality. Who the hell is “we”?
She paid her debt off in a year. Maybe you should think about a less aggressive schedule if you don’t want to deal with extreme sacrifice?
In two or three weeks the first of the post-tax cut withholding adjustment paychecks will be landing in people’s accounts and Republicans will likely go on a multi-month victory tour.
I have a couple Indian buddies here on H1Bs. Both engineers. Both considering their options for moving to another country because America’s system sucks and Trump wants it to suck even more.
You know what’s funny about many rank and file progressives’ tendency to use absurd definitions of “rich” and “wealth”? You guys end up alienating people that might have otherwise joined the cause.
The fact that being discriminated against would lead to coping behaviors (like smoking) isn’t a long shot in the least. You might not smoke but you might be doing something else to deal with it instead.
So basically you did not have time to inform yourself on the subject at hand before offering your uninformed take.