Maybe you don’t read much of the content on this site but it’s kind of a theme lately.
Maybe you don’t read much of the content on this site but it’s kind of a theme lately.
My vote is for shared pain via dramatically increasing the FICA rate for everyone or eliminating the programs.
The sort of foolishness you just espoused right there is dangerous. Do yourself a favor and stop. These French Revolution fantasies some Splinter writers have been weaving tales about are going to end up getting people hurt or worse.
Everyone likes paying less in taxes. Everyone. The only unpopular part is the expiration but that’s not going to happen. SS/Medicare aren’t actually paid for either. I’m pretty sure not being paid for is not the line you want to draw.
The changes to individual tax rates expire in 2027 unless someone in DC does something about it. I’m aware.
Airports aren’t the only employers of low/no skill workers so the fact that the airport operates as something of a monopoly isn’t relevant. If someone wants to pay $15/hour for that then people should abandon the airport and find them.
My parents now have the website for my local race tire vendor and know the sizes and compounds I use for my race bikes.
Labor is worth what people purchasing labor are willing to pay for it. No more, no less. Same as any other item in a market place.
You probably need to know someone.
The problem is that people are taking out more than they put in... a lot more. In 2015 the US took in 1 trillion dollars in FICA revenue and spent 2.2 trillion. That’s not a functional system.
The American government does not collect enough payroll tax revenue to pay for those programs as they exist. In 2015 the federal government collected 1 trillion dollars in FICA tax revenue but spent around 2.2 trillion in SS/Medicare benefits. That math obviously doesn’t work. SS/Medicare spending dwarfs literally…
I submit that their slowed upward movement is irrelevant for most Americans and for the ones who do have to be concerned with traveling through and beyond the 22% and 24% brackets the fact that their income increased enough to move through those brackets along with the fact that the brackets are lower to begin with…
Check your owner’s manual.
Tax hikes are politically toxic. There’s a reason the Democrats can only talk about increases for the rich (a tiny group) or corporations (not people so we don’t care what happens to them) when in reality we need tax hikes for everyone to deal with our deficit/debt. They’re political operatives. Letting the cuts…
Except there’s no way that’s actually going to happen.
Republicans have conducted a master class in political gamesmanship here. They executed on what they wanted all along and they left a little time bomb that’s going to either let them get credit for extending the cut if they’re in power or force Democrats to be left holding that bag and giving them an opportunity to…
Have you actually calculated the difference in your liability?
Raises are preferential to bonuses for *everyone*.
I don’t believe my comment was hyperbolic. The article plainly states that racial animosity is driving their “economic anxiety” and if I didn’t know any better I’d say racial animosity is a euphemistic way of saying racism.... because apparently the research says calling racists racist is too hostile.
I’ve gotta disagree with you there. CEOs are just employees in the scenarios we’re talking about. Powerful employees yes but still just employees.