
Let’s say we cap “top earner” compensation at 50x the average worker. Ignoring the fact that the people making 50x the average worker are incredibly rare to begin with where do people think the savings are going to go? To the average worker?

I ask because I remember reading about the study referenced in the two articles here some time ago. I was wondering whether people still believe that’s an ideal distribution.

General question. What ratio would be more fair?

That doesn’t sound so much like “be popular” as much as “stop doing all the Tab shit that ruined this company’s valuation”

Lemme help you out with that. There is no 2 or 3.

I won’t let you besmirch the character of Splinter.

No one is telling anyone to do anything.

Except for, ya know, the english definition of the word.

Who said home ownership was a necessity?

This sort of hyperbole probably goes over well in a lot of places but it’s just plain false. “Necessities” only become unaffordable when you’re confused about the difference between necessity and luxury.

Studies have been done that show our mortgage interest deduction has not succeeded in driving home ownership. Our ownership rate isn’t any higher than countries that have no such subsidy.

“The overwhelming majority of investors are middle class.”

You didn’t even read your own. Why should I expect any different.

I’m done. It’s abundantly clear that you didn’t even read/comprehend your own source (otherwise you wouldn’t have claimed that only the top 60% of the country are investors when your source says otherwise in a nice, big, chart) so why should I expect you to read or understand anything else.

You do not have to cut all non-essential expenses from your budget.

Next time you decide to wade into a discussion maybe you should try reading and understanding the document you link to prior to “contributing” anything lest you end up looking stupid.


Are we still refusing to admit that fact checkers are not needed in a culture war?

I commented on the veracity of your claim that “Mosty stock owners are the rich and the filthy rich” which, as we’ve finally established, is patently fucking untrue. Thanks.

You can lose money on virtually anything. If you aren’t investing you’re guaranteed to be losing money over time. I will take the chance of losing money with the ability to amortize my losses over decades over the guarantee of losing it year over year any day.