I’m pretty sure that if you took today’s crowd and forced them through invasive and generally prohibitive application procedures they’d complain that the system is rigged in favor of rich people and they’d fight to make credit freely available to all.
If the market gains 20% you end up with 120% of what you started with. Exactly the same as everyone else. The fact that what you started with is much smaller than that of a rich person has zero relevance. Yeah, you might only get 20k out of that 20% and Warren Buffet might get 200k but who cares? You’re still 20k…
At the end of the day almost everyone makes a ton of financial decisions to spend money on non-essential items that could be eliminated in favor of making more financially sound decisions. That’s a fact and not an assumption. There’s nothing wrong with that either. People just need to own it when they do it. There’s a…
Would you feel better if I said it’s abundantly clear that people have a hard time distinguishing between necessities and luxuries?
Stock ownership is for anyone that knows they can’t work forever.
I was under the impression that interest rates were staying low because changing the prime rate makes it more expensive for *everyone* to borrow and when the American consumer isn’t borrowing money... well that means the American consumer isn’t spending money.
Because it is not and has never been about economics.
The difference is that the parent cares about their five year old.
Winning is good. The fact that the biggest demographic in this country has fully embraced moral bankruptcy is not good for the country. At all.
It’s funny how much VPNs have been massively oversold as some magical privacy device. The VPN services are just selling the uninformed on the illusion of security and privacy.
If you think those wins are indicative of things working out go look at the demographics numbers from those elections.
Having a five figure balance in a checking account is a crime in and of itself.
Hey by any chance can I borrow your time machine? I wanna go wherever it is that you came from. Clearly you must be from the distant future because that is the only place where white people might have spare moral bandwidth to be angry about being labeled.
Splinter finally acknowledged that there is a white people problem in Alabama (still haven’t seen acknowledgment of the nationwide white people problem) and the “not [the majority of] white people” brigade is out and unhappy.
Here’s a final thought.
Yeah. It’s nonsense to use the electorate’s past behavior as a predictor for the future. On the other hand “but everything is run by people” is the pinnacle of well reasoned argument.
You implied that they were equal or at the very least similar when you compared non-participation from white people to non-participation from black people. The circumstances surrounding both of those groups are far from comparable.
The difference being that those white people that you are defending are actively working to prevent those black people from voting. All things are not equal here.