Who is “us”?
Not really.
Spotted the white guy...
Your response made me laugh out loud because as a technical worker I’ve worked with tons of guys that think just like you.
People already pay for pretend privacy on the internet today. This very family of websites is guilty of hawking those products. Actual privacy, if such a thing can even exist, will not be free.
The fact that Trump ran (runs?) a “charity” does not reflect poorly on all organizations that accept donations.
It’s what happens when you’re dealing with imprecise definitions covering subjective matters.
I find it amusing when wypipo accidentally put their true character on display.
Actually you people are the amazing ones.
Call for it all you like. Understand that you’re essentially asking for a special feature and my money says that feature would not be inexpensive.
Maybe it’s not a black woman’s job to take a stand on either issue?
The thing is we expect adults to make informed decisions so I’m going to help you make one today.
Who said anything about a meritocracy? Life is not a meritocracy.
No one is claiming that economics and class are irrelevant. When we chide white liberals for their insistence on economics and class over everything it’s not because we think economics and class are irrelevant.
Leave it to the white liberals to take an issue that is clearly, literally, black and white and turn it into some class struggle.
Video games are a niche item to begin with.
Because you’re not risking or staking money on the outcome of something?
Nov 8, 2016.
If your parents leave you their totally average home worth 250k do you have the cash to pay that bill?