
Income equality is a fantasy; one that I’d argue the overwhelming majority of people do not want to see realized. Until there is ability equality which should never be a thing there can never be income equality. Our ability to earn, at least in this system, is irrevocably attached to our ability to do things that are

VPNs only encrypt your traffic between you and the VPN server. Whatever happens between the VPN server and your traffic’s original destination is up to the entity controlling that destination server. If you trust that destination (and you kinda have to) then the VPN serves zero real purpose from a security

New? What part of this is new?

It is really depressing to watch the lengths to which white people will go to excuse the actions of their peers.

Let’s see...

Every time someone trots out one of these graphs I wonder whether they acknowledge that way back when things were supposedly “more fair” labor was artificially scarce because white men thought it appropriate to exclude everyone else from the labor force.

How is this different from literally everything else in Trump’s life?

1) 2000's 2.2 trillion dollar total expenditures adjusted for 17 years of inflation is 3.1 trillion. 3.1T is not 2.7-2.8. Add in a few hundred billion and you end up exactly where we are today. Which brings me to...

This. Is. Not. A. Class. War. This is a culture war and you are losing because you insist on standing in the middle yelling about stuff that doesn’t concern either side. Economic anxiety? Not a real thing. People voting against their interests? Not a real thing. Temporarily displaced millionaires? Not. A. Real. Thing.

Culture. war.

I think 90,000 votes in a city with a population close to half a million qualifies as a significant number not bothering to vote at all.

Pretty sure all modern economies are cyclic and ours was still cyclic back when it was tied to the imaginary value of something real.

We already have debt. We already have a deficit. The solution to those things was increased revenue (higher taxes for *everyone*) and decreased spending (decreases in service for *everyone*). That is the adult’s solution to that problem. We rang up a stupid tab and we all have to deal with it by tightening our belts.

That just means some of those places will cease to exist.

I hope he’s watching shit burn and getting a kick out of the fact that many of the same people clamoring for him to come and save them are the same ones that were complaining about him not terribly long ago.

America is dealing with a culture war and not a class one.

If money is fabricated (it is) and value is purely a social construct (it is) then there need be no finite limit on it because the construct itself is limitless.

The topic of discussion and the whole origin of my comment was the fact that you clearly don’t understand that investing and removing money from play are not the same thing.

Considering that what I said and what you said are completely unrelated I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make.

Do me a favor and go find any point where I came even remotely close to referencing trickle down economics or “job creators”.