
1) Wealthy people do not take their money out of play because that’s not how you stay wealthy. If you aren’t beating inflation you’re losing money.

I think you need to go back and double check this statement. Investing does not “undermine” growth.

It’s not about poor white people imagining themselves as rich or soon to be rich. It’s about poor white people that enjoy fucking minorities even at their own expense.

If someone’s survivors don’t deserve the money they want to leave them then how exactly is the rest of the population more deserving?

It’s not a penalty for having kids. It eliminates the credit for having kids.

I’m pretty sure what you’re describing is how it already works today. A pass through entity’s income would already be added to its owner’s income as marginal dollars and taxed at the owner’s marginal tax rate.

Explaining to a white person in general that there are places that they cannot and should not go along with things that they should not do is like speaking to them in Mandarin. PoCs learn this early in life. There are just places we shouldn’t go. There are systems we shouldn’t interact with. There are simply things we

Poor throttle control, poor suspension setup, or some combination of the two nine times out of ten.

I’m with you.

The R in the H2R is an acknowledgement of where that bike belongs.

Mmmmmhhhhmmmm. Sure they weren’t aware. The nazi, his nazi wife, and his brother-in-law all worked at this place and no one ever noticed or overheard anything?

You can’t save people from themselves and trying amounts to pissing in the wind.

Explain how industries that desire to eliminate the human factor are good for humanity in the long term. Explain how a day when manual labor won’t be a thing is good for humanity. Explain how a day where the only people with any value in the labor force are highly educated, highly skilled, technology workers is good

I’d bet you’re in the minority on this one too. Would you pay double? Triple?


The problem with the 2017 definition of the term “predatory” is the fact that it doesn’t have any real meaning anymore. According to 2017 values everything is predatory. Throw a term about casually and apply it everywhere and suddenly doesn’t mean anything anymore.


60 dollars isn’t full price. It’s the equivalent of the day when any new cell phone was 200 bucks because that’s what all the carriers subsidized their prices down to. That’s the massively subsidized price and it’s subsidized by the people that pay for DLC, micro-transactions, and all the other post-sale stuff people

Addicts that never take responsibility for their addiction die.

I bet that’s the vast majority of the people on that side. People don’t really give two craps about this “addiction” or gambling nonsense. What they do care about is the fact that DLC and micro transactions are rampant.