
My money says that they have a much, much better grasp of what is good or bad for their business than you do. My money says they’ve already run the numbers on these things. They already know how many people they’re giving up in exchange for operating in this way and they’ve decided that those people don’t matter.

I don’t care for legislating creators into a box. I also don’t care for the blatantly obvious consequences of eliminating one of their revenue streams. Blow away DLC and loot crates and the like and watch someone start releasing stuff with tiered pricing? Want the complete game? Fine. That’s 95 bucks. Want the base

Everything is predatory in nature. Literally everything out there is marketed to poke at some deep seated insecurity or provoke some emotional response. That is how marketing works in 2017. On pretty much every level it is your job as a functioning adult to deal with it.

Except in this very story the person in question acknowledges, in the moment, that they were throwing money away.

I’m pretty sure the distinction you are making is regarding legal tender and not money or currency.

If you don’t like micro transactions don’t buy games that have them. If you “can’t control yourself” when it comes to micro transactions don’t buy games that have them. We do not need prohibition. We need “addicts” to take responsibility for their own problems in exactly the same manner that we expect addicts of any

It’s a business.

It’s the same as alcoholics complaining that there’s alcohol in bars. That’s not a problem in bar design it’s a problem in the alcoholic. It’s incumbent upon the alcoholic to do what they need to do to address their problem. If that means they don’t get to be around alcohol anymore tough shit. If that means these

Net neutrality is going to end up a victim of America’s tendency to politicize scientific/technical matters.

Eliminating net neutrality has absolutely zero bearing on the cost of entry for that market.

If anything they revealed the hypocrisy of the greater, white, public. I would bet my last dollar that a majority of the white people that are outraged about that article have themselves, in the last week (because Thanksgiving), rationalized or otherwise normalized blatantly white supremacist behavior.

If you are dealing with people acting in good faith sure. Identifying/acknowledging a problem is the first step towards fixing it.

You answered your own question.

Maybe, rather than finding your corner of the internet you need to build it. That’s the real issue here. You are not/will never be entitled to the sort of freedom you’re talking about on someone else’s platform.

Her name is even Beckie. This has to be trolling.

A set of Blizzaks doesn’t change the fact that stopping distances are increased and abrupt actions are liable to end poorly.

I meant the blue-collar variety.

Because they aren’t?

Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.

Who claimed that admission to elite universities was 100% merit based?