I’m pretty sure the networks decide which games they want to televise nationally based on the program’s ability to draw viewers. It’s TV after all. Prime time TV. A program that gets national coverage has visibility and draw regardless of Rutgers’ presence. The fact that if you turn on a TV on a Wednesday night in…
The programs you mentioned would be nationally televised whether they were bundled with their respective conferences or not.
I did not use that descriptor pejoratively.
The issue is that college athletics, kinda like professional athletics, is incredibly socialist. The sports that can generate revenue carry the load for the sports that can’t. Hitting college athletics with a cold hard dose of capitalist “let the market decide” means the market is going to do away with huge swaths of…
Considering the fact that the majority of college athletics programs lose money and wouldn’t exist if they had to operate like real businesses I’d say that’s a fair characterization. The part where you went off course is where you assumed that things currently operate like functioning businesses.
I doubt that very much.
I think the moral of the story here is that people need to be more careful about using the verb invest and as a corollary the noun investment.
I’m pretty sure he’d say if you wanted to make a team of sexual deviants you’d start five white guys because their abusing speed is high. Maybe Cosby would come off the bench.
I suspect that paying players has some unintended consequences.
It always represented those things. It’s not a recent development. However, some white people “have come to” admit as much... begrudgingly.
Fixed that for you.
I don’t know about you but the problem with “home ownership as an investment” for most people is that they look at their purchase price, the final sales price, subtract the two numbers, and then assuming the difference is positive declare that they made money. That’s ignoring a hell of a lot of major factors that can…
My primary beef with home ownership comes down to anchoring yourself to a particular area and the fact that despite all the talk of home ownership as an investment it’s actually among the shittiest of shitty investments assuming you’re talking about a primary residence.
You have to be willing to hold a figurative gun to your employer’s head and you have to be ready to pull the trigger. If you aren’t then you aren’t really negotiating anything. Negotiation requires leverage. If you aren’t ready to walk out the door you have no leverage.
Honestly this is like when gun nuts complain that an AR-15 isn’t an assault rifle because it’s not capable of selective fire. They know exactly what we’re talking about but they choose to deploy a cheap, semantic, dodge rather than addressing the topic of discussion.
If Americans are at a point where it’s up to technology to keep things on the rails then the experiment has failed. If Google and Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and the like need to literally save Americans from <insert_random_threat_here> because that’s all it takes... then it’s over. What we have isn’t a…
Sales tax is deductible.
I am confident that America’s international “liberation” budget would be a fraction of what it is if wypipo didn’t feel entitled to go everywhere and do anything.