Actually I read your post. It reeked of someone that doesn’t get it and then you responded and confirmed as much.
Actually I read your post. It reeked of someone that doesn’t get it and then you responded and confirmed as much.
The problem here is that it wasn’t just “your ancestors”. It’s your grandmother. Your uncle. A non-zero number of people that you’re likely to sit down with for thanksgiving dinner in a few weeks. Maybe even you.
That is untrue. That is the basis of this discussion. The only people who will pay less are the people for whom 4% of their income is less than they currently spend/less than what they’d pay to get equivalent coverage in the private market. This isn’t complicated math.
I laughed out loud when I read this because it was predictable.
The point was progressives need to stop bitching about how they’re not getting revolutionary change and learn to be happy with evolutionary change because that is what our government is designed to do.
1) Starting a family is not and should never be a right. It is an personal choice between individuals and short of evidence that those individuals are unfit parents it should not be a cost borne by society at large. Family planning is a private matter unless the safety and well-being of the children is being put in…
First, I don’t know where you live but every state I’ve ever lived in counts either car insurance or proof of financial responsibility as a legal prerequisite to operating a vehicle on public roads. Since I choose to drive I have to pay for insurance. Maybe you aren’t faced with that requirement. Good for you.
WTF are you talking about?
Anyone that doesn’t understand that everything in the tax code that allows you to save even a single penny beyond your base liability amounts to government whispering in your ear and saying “Hey, if you do X I’ll give you Y” is an incentive needs to stay the hell out of tax policy discussions.
I was responding to a comment about systemic neglect.
The fact that the ACA was based on a Heritage Foundation plan is not relevant. It represents incremental progress from where we were before it was enacted. That is undeniable fact. You are literally bitching and moaning about the fact that what has amounted to a good improvement over 2007 status quo wasn’t a great…
The leveling effect you mentioned is from that report was observed specifically among Medicare enrollees and not the general population. Kinda questionable to apply a trend among the oldest, sickest, most expensive portion of the population to everyone else huh?
The ACA is the BEST example. Why? It cut the uninsured rate in the US in half. Roughly 1 in 5 Americans were uninsured in 2007. At the end of Obama’s term it was roughly 1 in 10. That is what incremental progress looks like.
Then it doesn’t matter because we’re already screwed.
SNAP and CHIP are examples of policies that help take care of kids in those situations.
Someone my age is going to be shit out of luck on the Social Security front anyway... sooo try again?
You are not doing any work for me. I’ve done my work. You’re belatedly doing the homework you should have already done.
When exactly did anyone decide that starting a family is a right?
You misunderstand my comment.
Republicans are ok with effectively banning abortion one state at a time. Democrats want 50 state legality. Republicans were content with progress. Democrats want big splashes. The ACA is what incremental progress looks like. How many people on the left are bitching and moaning about the fact that Obama didn’t deliver…