
There’s a difference between unemployed and unemployable.

Unless the end game is a society where everyone makes the same amount of money and has access to all the same things there will be haves and have nots.

It’s hard to make big changes when you have 50 disparate governments. The federal government is absolutely where you need to be if big movement is your goal. Once again, if Democratic voters don’t show up for state and local races then strategy or no we’re where we would have been either way. Participation is the end

Democrats decided decades ago that the key to governance was the federal government and Republicans happily moved in at the state level. If you want to fault that strategy decision fine. However, the fact is that Democrats tend to not show up for state and local elections so strategy or no that might have been the

The problem here is that you are wrong.

It always comes down to the people because at the end of the day the people are the ones doing the voting. That’s what accountability looks like.

You can’t agree that people have a right to go out and get what they’re worth while also believing there’s such a thing as too much money. They’re related.

I don’t think many progressives would agree with you on this point. I do, but I think the conservative caricature of progressives and liberals wanting equality of outcome may be more accurate than I would have admitted a year ago.

Being informed and aware is an individual responsibility. It is not the party’s responsibility to spoon feed anyone. In fact, the point where people need to be spoon fed is the point where our country is hopeless because at that point politicians can come up with just about any populist nonsense without any real basis

So it’s impossible for a conservative president to have any progressive ideas?

1) There’s no such thing as too much money.

Sorry but the “they didn’t give me anything to vote for” explanation is cheap and shallow.

I choose the side of accountability.

The end game for progressivism is not a society where everyone has exactly the same means so in the end we will always have haves and have nots. The difference is that some things like healthcare and education will cease to be on the list of things the have nots don’t have.

A, B, and C, are all pretty chock full of progressive thought. A is arguably at the top of the progressive agenda in the US right now...

I’m just going to say that it’s really easy to make flowery, “why can’t we all love each other”, proclamations about what needs to be done to move forward when your people are the ones on the oppressor side of this equation.

Pretty sure that as a black man I’m not at fault when it comes to white supremacy so I will happily launch that stone thank you.

No, they don’t. And if they’ve truly changed they wouldn’t dare ask for it because they’d understand the impact of what they’ve done.

And this is why Bernie Sanders needs to take his “white working class” spiel and shove it right back up the orifice he pulled it from.

Serious question...