
In the same way it’d be hard to argue that the anthem doesn’t have racist origins and yet the article you just read frames the California chapter of the NAACP’s stance as an opinion rather than a fact.

Considering political events that have occurred since the last season of TGT maybe the American was determined to be too American...

It was pejoratively referred to as Obamacare by conservatives. It wasn’t nicknamed as such “in honor of its champion”.


To all the white “Let’s punch Nazis” types out there,

You want to ride around with a nitrogen canister that has to be recharged every 45 minutes?

Brand new code or modified existing code in iOS 11 is likely written with a bias towards the hardware available in the iPhone 8 and X. Code in iOS 11 that is unchanged since some other earlier version and doesn’t have any relationship or dependencies on newer code should run mostly the same as it did before. The

How many of those manufacturers are using springs for valve control in MotoGP? Oh that’s right zero.

1) It’s on a racing platform.

1) Anything that results in money being spent is not a drag on the economy. Tax revenue always ends up spent sooner or later. Whether it’s the federal government doing the spending or some rich guy is totally inconsequential.

“The simplest solution is the best solution. A flat tax with no deductions... except one for each adult and child... and no liability for households under 52,800... and... and... and...”

As someone that writes software professionally let me help you here. I used to work at a company that sold an appliance. An appliance is a server that a company shoves into a server rack, connects, and it does *something* for them. Now, over the timeframe that I worked at that company we went through a number of

How many people with 21,000 dollar toys in their garage are trying to adjust their own valves?

How is the only production valvetrain that actually works at MotoGP levels nonsense?

He continued

Employer contribution vs your contribution is just an accounting shell game. Paying you X% less and putting that X% into your retirement is no net difference for the employer.

Ignoring the constructs they might not understand for a moment; they’re people and they’re supposed to be able to understand empathy right? They’re supposed to be able to look at a situation, ask whether they’d want it for themselves, and respond accordingly right?

I think this is where we agree to disagree.

I’m not crapping on Sanders in favor of centrist Democrats. I’m crapping on pretty much the entire left for its embrace of whiteness as the default. They’re all guilty. Bernie isn’t an exception.

The only people whose work is not influenced by business concerns are either unemployed or self-employed.