
I think you missed the part where I said sell it as stopping out of control cost growth because single payer could and should do that.

A hit dog will holler huh?

In a year or so someone is going to have to pick up the progressive banner and run with it. I’m asking you who that person is because if it’s Bernie Sanders what I said initially stands. If Bernie Sanders is the best progressivism has then progressivism in the US doesn’t have much for PoCs.

I know exactly who is in that picture and I think it’s hilarious that you think a picture of Sanders from the 60s means in 2017 he deserves a pass for his complete and utter failure to address racial issues.

I’m pretty sure you just gave the progressive movement the “But I have a <insert minority> friend” treatment. Maybe David Clarke, Ben Carson, and Omarosa mean the GOP isn’t the party of now unabashed white supremacy too huh?

What good is free college do when black graduates are twice as likely as white graduates to be unemployed? What good is free college if black graduates stand the same odds of being hired as white high school graduates?

This is kinda like “All Lives Matter”. All lives can’t matter until black lives do.

Rising tide lifts all boats...

You made me laugh out loud. That’s the argument Trump made too. It’s not good when your strategy overlaps with Trump’s...

I agree. It is both. However, the current poster boy for progressive politics in the US has to have his arm twisted to even broach the subject of race and even when he does it’s some momentary mealy-mouthed statement followed by a quick pivot back to the banks and corporations and blah blah blah.

Reading is fundamental.

The problem with your statement here is that this is actually true of the “progressive” wing too. It’s true of the vast majority of white people period. Genuine allies are few and far in-between. The progressive wing of the left is largely composed of white people who have decided that the system doesn’t work for them

Playing semantics and declaring it to be public funds doesn’t change the fact that twice a month a chunk of my paycheck gets swept away by the federal government. The left fails by engaging in this sort of useless debate.

Virtually everyone pays some form of local or state tax. Sales tax ensures that much in all but a handful of states. Not everyone is a federal (income) tax payer though.

I think you guys forgot the part where our legal tender is just a convenient stand-in for goods and/or services. The physical currency itself has no value beyond that of the materials it is constructed from.

Software developers are compensated well because the genuinely competent/talented ones are scarce. I can’t help but look at corporate programs to do this sort of thing as an effort to control compensation levels. Developers (not coders) might be paid well today but that might not continue to be true if the size of the

The math is guaranteed to work out for them because if it didn’t their finance people aren’t doing their jobs. It only costs them more to hire a new person if you think about the expense as an individual item. The finance people are amortizing the human capital expense over your entire department or the whole company

Are you an average employee? If not then why are you concerned with the average?

There is no switch for white privilege. White people cannot choose to not have it. It’s there by default. The only thing a white person can do with respect to their privilege today is acknowledge its existence. It doesn’t matter that they’re pissed. It doesn’t matter that they may or may not agree on relevant issues.

Ignoring the idea that general redistribution of wealth to the lower classes doesn’t in any way undo the damage that minorities have suffered at the hands of white America for the entirety of America’s existence and the fact that believing that to be true is a pretty good indicator of white privilege...