
Flint is using his money to try and buy what he wants. It’s exactly the same thing Thiel did. The only difference between the two is that you and everyone else cheering for Flint has decided that the end justifies the means in his case.

I am amused by how people jumped to the most asinine interpretation of my question. Presumably because it’s the one that you can dismiss without having to question your own alleged principles. Let me spell it out for you.

My bad. I thought the issue was the fact that rich people can whip out their wallets and use them and crush other entities whenever it tickles their fancy and not whether they’re transparent or not about it.

Nah. I just see the hypocrisy of people cheering the rich guy throwing his money around when it’s for the causes they favor but complaining when it’s the reverse.

Was it a secret that Thiel was bankrolling things? No. Try again please.

Is this fundamentally different from Peter Thiel’s grudge against Gawker?

The fundamental issue is that you can’t put life on rails for people.

One of two things is going to happen and you aren’t going to like either.

All politics are identity politics and it’s ridiculous when they pretend that theirs are somehow special. Then again, that’s white privilege for you.

Aside from the fact that the MID hasn’t been proven to promote home ownership it really just amounts to a scheme for paying people with money to buy even bigger houses/second houses at the expense of people with less. The MID needs to be eliminated not expanded.

Literally all advertising and marketing is designed to hit on a psychological level that some people will find irresistible. Weight loss product advertising is designed to attract and exploit people with no self control looking for a silver bullet. Beauty product marketing is designed to ensnare women with meh

Had my car insured with Allstate when I first bought it. A few months later I was buying a motorcycle and called Geico for a quote on the bike and asked for a separate one for the car just for shits and giggles.

How about no.

All advertising and marketing is designed to exploit the consumer...

Can we please leave the “they voted against their interests” stuff to the white people who, because they believe whiteness is inherently and fundamentally good, can’t accurately explain this behavior as malicious so they have call it stupidity instead?

I think you have this mixed up. Nazi Germany tried to make a play for America’s crown. It’s not the other way around.

People like Nancy are why I can’t get behind universal healthcare.

#1 worked in California...

It’s totally the older generation...

You don’t live in a decent world though. Certainly not a decent country. Sooo...