
Holy shit someone needs to make a Trump Christmas Carol. It could end with him learning no lesson and shooting Tiny Tim in the middle of 5th Avenue.

I used to live a few blocks away from a place that made terrific dosas. Crispy shells wrapped around potatoes, chiles, and spices, with coconut chutney and sambar. Thinking about it makes me want one right now.

I live in the 5th district and have had the immense good fortune to meet Congressman Lewis a few times. He always stops to smile and shake my hand while I babble like an imbecile about how I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.

Like this?

Just what do you think "actual Nazis" will look like when they show up?

Weirder things happen in Greek myths. Just saying.

Why on earth didn't they just name it EGGSecute? I feel like I'm swallowing my tongue whenever I try to say it's name.

As I understand it they added a scene in which Vader asks if it's wrong to be sexually attracted to teenage Leia.

That might upset Pence fans.

You mean the folks who insist that PC culture is destroying free speech, therefore everyone should stand for the national anthem and nobody should say "Happy Holidays"?

The advertisers are where the money is, FYI.

I think we all might just need to get this tattooed on our foreheads.

As David Frum put it eloquently today, "What the media doesn’t get is that while other people are playing checkers, Trump is playing Russian roulette."

That's the stuff!

Enter diagnostic mode.

"We're gonna build a trench around the Death Star, beautiful trench. And Alderaan is gonna pay for it!"

Jesus, this would be like voting for Jabba because he thought Mon Mothma's voice was "screechy".

Well, when Godzilla is busy destroying Tokyo, most of the papers are going to lead with Godzilla, aren't they?

I suspect Trump is about as much of a genius at manipulating the public as the rancid juice leaking from a garbage bag is a genius at finding a crack in the sidewalk to pool in. He's a malevolent Chauncey Gardner.