
No it means that if you do say you voted for Trump you are saying you voted for a man who demonized refugees, who called Mexican immigrants rapists and drug smugglers, who threatened to jail his opponent on his victory, who called on foreign powers to hack his opponents, who called the exoneration of the Central Park

Oh, you care all right. You are positively butt-hurt over years of being told your antipathy toward people who are not like you is a moral failing, which is why you feel the need to post here with your oh-so-provocative handle, gloating at your "victory" of having installed as president a man who quite possibly

Both things can be true. When a race is this close in the swing states, lots of factors come into play. But racism was quite literally a centerpiece of his campaign. There is no "build the wall" without racism. This was not some small side issue. The same goes for the Muslim ban, which was about both race and

Season 1 was pretty hacky. The dad is villainized for treating the robot like, well, a robot, and the characters who anthropomorphize it, even before it shows signs of consciousness, are assumed to be morally correct. If the show had instead dealt thoughtfully with the knotty emotional thicket of relating to what are

I thought it was terrific.

I've seen reports from Portland of some vandalism and destruction of property, and one protester being shot during an argument with a motorist, but nothing about people being pulled from cars, much less beaten. You have a link?

You're in pain, I can tell. What can I do to help?

I've seen one such story (though it sounds like it was onlookers yelling about Trump). You are saying there is more than one such incident?

I don't think every Trump voter is a bigot. I'd wager most of them are (counting misogyny as bigotry, which it is), and those who aren't are clearly comfortable enough voting for a bigot and allying bigots. The KKK endorsed Trump. His campaign staff associates with white nationalists. If that doesn't give you

Somebody hurt you, didn't they. Want to talk about it?

Pretending for a moment that you really actually care about this and aren't simply trying to score a disingenuous point, she absolutely should not have spoken of gang members with the racially-charged term "superpredators" and she apologized for doing so, but she did not refer to "black people" as such, and you are

Can you give some concrete examples of what you see as Middleditch and Nanjiani being hateful (as opposed to just critical) of Trump supporters?

There is a lot the president, especially with a sympathetic congress, can do to harm the economy. Like undermine confidence in the federal reserve, for starters.

You know what, Hillary tried to argue for not writing off the non-bigoted elements of Trump's supporters, and got pilloried for it. This election result was not a failure of civility, it was a failure of shame. Enough people got over the shame of allying themselves with a bigoted sexual predator with no

"Uncritically"? You want us to consider their carefully thought-out arguments FOR labeling Mexican immigrants as rapists and drug smugglers? Or their thoughtful critiques on whether Muslims deserve to be treated the same as other people of faith? Or maybe we can all have a reasoned discussion on the merits of

No, I'm not saying that was the only choice. I'm saying it was the only moral choice. Clinton was all that stood between us and a bullying, hate-mongering, despot-admiring, self-professed sexual predator. Thanks to the millions of Americans who couldn't suck it up and vote for a woman they didn't particularly like

No disputing you were within your rights, but failure to act has consequences just as surely as does action, and the consequences here look to be dire. Trump had the right to call for a Muslim ban. Doesn't make it any less reprehensible.

To that I would say a person doesn't have to be evil to do evil.

Patting yourself on the back for not voting for Trump is basically the same as being proud of yourself for not pouring gasoline on the fire when you still refuse to lift a finger to put it out. I don't think you are an awful person, but I do think you did an awful thing by not taking the most basic affirmative step

Three fourths of the states must ratify an amendment.