
I don't think this is quite right. He's highly suggestible but not docile. Supposedly the surest way to get him to do something is to tell him he can't do it.

It gets worse, as he goes round and round on a merry-go-round from (paraphrasing) "I waited two days to denounce Nazis because I wanted to have the facts" to "my first statement, which was awesome, was before I had the facts" to "nobody really has the facts even still as I stand here making this statement" and then

It held up eerily well in the post-9/11 era, as a cautionary tale about how a prosperous society can be goaded into enthusiastically throwing itself into a series of catastrophic military enterprises by a seemingly-inscrutable foe.

The Jungle Book was excellent.

"You can’t mine the source material for parts…" Blade Runner and Starship Troopers would beg to differ.

Honestly, judging it against its reputation, even Wrath of Khan isn't Wrath of Khan.

Beyond was a pretty terrible movie. It didn't make me angry like Into Darkness did, but not a single goddamn thing in Beyond made any sense.

And in this world the humans watch NASCAR races from their cars like at a drive-in?

Because the verb "to park" derives from the noun "park" as in an area of land for storing military vehicles, which itself derives from "park" as in an enclosed area of land (i.e. a preserve). And "parkway" derives directly from the "enclosed area" meaning, as in a road through a park or connecting to a park. Also we

I could buy this for Saudi Arabia, but the second incident was in Rome.

Is SST/Trump becoming a thing?

I don't know if I'd say it adds to immersion since there's a bit of fumbling for invisible buttons until you get familiarized, but it really does make flying more nuanced. Getting and holding a bead on a target is a lot easier than with the DS4.

I recently picked up a T-Flight HOTAS 4 for about $40, so when I have time for solo gaming it's pretty much all PSVR Eve Valkyrie all the time. It's amazing how much better dogfighting is in VR vs. on a screen, and it's a pretty stark difference to use a full stick and throttle vs. thumb sticks. I really hope more

The VR mission is easily worth any of those price points. If only they'd make a full game out of it…

Abedibedebeda aoop!

I've got no regard for Scientology. But Tom Cruise a B-lister? That's just insane.

This is how we live now.

It's an entertaining film, but it really bugs me that the explicit lesson of the movie, that nature is not to be meddled with and will adapt in upredictable and consequential ways, is completely undercut by the fact that nothing bad would have happened in the story without deliberate human sabotage.

Last I checked Michael Ian Black was an entertainment figure.

He's been accused by three different women, including his ex-wife Ivana.