I hope the B is short for Buster.
I hope the B is short for Buster.
Yes please!!! Anything that gets Tompkins more work is a-ok by me.
If you’ve got Hulu, this season’s 6 episodes that have aired so far are up. (I binged them myself just last night.)
Finally, a fellow Paul F Tompkins fan on Jezebel!!!
Especially when they buy it at bottle service rates. Good gravy, I can finish off a bottle alone and barely get a buzz, and you’re paying hundreds to probably split it with a party?
So we’re calling second DUI arrests DUII now? I like it!
I just rewatched the third season and laughed until I cried all over again at Michael’s horrifying attempts to prove he’s not a homophobe by calling a meeting to kiss and hug Oscar.
Pics or gtfo
Heard of it?! My grandma grew up there! You used to be able to find the best Polish food there. Don’t know if that’s still true.
I’m also from a small suburb of Detroit. If I had a dollar for every time someone asks me if I grew up on 8 Mile, or if I’ve met Tim Allen, Eminem or Kid Rock, I’d be much richer... But still sick of the questions
It sucks, bc exchanges like that make you feel like you’re a freak, but the real issue is we’re not paper dolls cut to the same specs across the board - one size never really fits all!
This marks the one and only time I read other people’s fantasy stats willingly, and was actually entertained!
To be fair, I doubt he actually chokes down that shitty pizza unless he’s being filmed; he just shills it. Same with the beer.
Guy is the quintessential mouth-breather.
Ugh, I feel like my terrible aunt probably owned a copy of this. She was definitely the country-goose-and-mauve-ruffles-in-every-room type. Which isn’t what makes her terrible, but I associate that stuff with her, so...
Right? I rock-climb for fun and I have crazy thick muscular legs that only make me look even stumpier than I already am. I look like I’m gonna Hulk right out of skinny jeans and boots.
Picturing a qb doing the mashed potato made me snort-laugh, so thank you.
Right? Seriously, all popular dance moves throughout time have been kind of stupid. Dancing is supposed to be fun, and the whip, the nae-nae and dabbing are fucking fun. So proclaimeth I.
I too tried to parse this but remain baffled
Truly the Oscar and Felix of the jungle