
in before "but fat has nothing to do with health!!" and "you can't tell someone's health by looking at them" and "I'm an obese 20-something year old, but all my metabolic markers are perfect!"

#Fatshaming, commission a new study and replace those doctors immediately.

I'm sorry but that study used science which means, as we all know here, is just fat shaming propaganda.

The best defensive back in the game resides in Seattle

Here you go

did you really just try to turn this into another "victim blaming" rant? holy fuck

Or that the majority of American root for Americans

Look, tonight's Super Bowl XLVIII sucked.

Then get the fuck out.

Milk and fruit may also have been one level healthier than the normal meal you'd get in the cafeteria...

Why does anyone think this is interesting? This just seems purely stupid to me. If you actually had control over the other person then sure, makes sense. Just mimicking each other tho, you can just watch any video on it and mimic whats happening if your going through that hassle anyway.. Might as well be watching

While we are handing out reprimands to idiots, how about the member of the 49ers who did this?

Minus the fact Seattle had more penalties called against them.. For more yards.
Do you have any more (bullshit) theories?

Replaced by weekly group discussions on peanut allergies and the dangers of flu vaccinations.

Hanging like an Andrew Luck pass? Or like an Andrew Luck pass? Or like an Andrew Luck pass? Or like an Andrew Luck pass?

Hey now! The Chargers used to be all the rage in the mid '00s. Ask any Niner fan; I'm sure they still have their Tomlinson jersey tucked away.

Look on the bright side, the Saints still managed to injure Percy Harvin, so they'll be getting blood money.

Awesome, a great article that can spawn a bunch of 9ers fans to come in and start crying and calling the Seahawks cheaters.