
I’m glad that they chose to do whatever they did to repel a person like you from the community.

lol, ofc kotaku would hate this game.

Most other colleges only accept a certain amount of transfer credits, usually around 60. If he wants a degree from another school, he’d have to complete around half the program over again.

It’s like every game, where the goal is to have fun.
However, if the only goal is to win, then there is obviously a very strict way to play. Loot until you have enough gear to win 1v1 engagements and then figure out where other people are and kill them in order to compound their looting time with yours. Go for the

LOL Republicans lost special elections??? THE TOOK MASSACHUSETS YOU DUMBASS

That is correct. We have no hope in penetrating caves, so our only options are either to collapse their entrances (which might be completely ineffective because they could have other entrances, and even if they only have one, all you need to do is clear the entrance.) or to create a vacuum outside of the cave and

We don’t bunker bust caves by penetration. We bunker-bust them by creating an enormous vacuum outside of the entrance and violently removing the air that they need to breath. Learn a bit more about the topic you are commenting on next time.

lol, the most powerful person in the world is being oppressed by someone wearing his mask. The horror.

lol, the most powerful person in the world is being oppressed by someone wearing his mask. The horror.

You forgot the part where they equated trump to Kim jung un, a guy who publicly excecutes people with anti-aircraft guns. Nice try though. :)

Wear a mask of a republican president: get all sorts of laughs and high fives.

You suck at politics

Streaming can definetly help some games sales, but they can definitely hurt some good games sales too. Like that firewatch game. It’s a good game, and interesting. But because I watched it on stream I don’t really have much to play with anymore.

If you make the game shitty from the start, you can’t disappoint them with the ending. Genius!

Victoria 2 was an absolute masterpiece. I’ve never played anything like it since.

mmmm dat nepotism though

Thank god for Pulisic because I was afraid our attack would become completely worthless as Dempsey got too old.

Signed, Colin Kaepernick

I feel like it’s “not cool” to hate on the facial animations, but they really are extremely bad. I don’t know how people can’t find it a bit disconcerting...

Nobody gives shit about regular season defense.