
I don’t know what the point of using soap would be anyway. Even if it doesn’t remove the seasoning, which it doesn’t, why would you introduce other flavors? Just clean it with water as quickly as you can while making sure everything is removed, dry it just as quickly, and then rub it down with oil. No soap is

Latinos are considered white, so, the Latino portion of the yale population has been counted twice here. Which makes the 72% white statistic look worse than it does, which was probably the point... and probably your point too, and I think I just missed the joke.

I agree. That Yale controversy, as it stems from the letter, is pretty bullshit. Any other problem they have with regards to the daily treatment on campus however, is another matter.

People are going to be talking re-match... But that kick she took looked concerning.

Dude. This lady is going to get utterly trashed. She’s 34 years old and fighting in a sport she's not yet fluent in. Don't talk yourself into this one. It's not worth it.

This doesn’t look that violent... He asked to to stand up and she attached herself to the desk. He was trying to get her out of the desk and she was refusing to do so. It takes a lot of energy to remove someone from that position... Even if they are a woman.

Frixion pens by pilot. They write wonderfully, almost like a gel pen. Their ink doesn’t seep through paper, it stays perfectly on top. The color of the ink is vibrant, and keeps its “wet” look. ITS FUCKING 100% ERASABLE. Not like the shit erasable pens of my youth. Like... Seriously, no smudge or anything erasable.

Frixion pens by pilot. They write wonderfully, almost like a gel pen. Their ink doesn’t seep through paper, it stays

Alec Baldwin’s scene was fucking hilarious. That alone makes this movie better than a bunch of others.

I can’t believe it took like 20 comments for someone to say this. Russia is hurt by oil. The sanctions don’t mean shit.

Nah, fuck it. Food has been rising pretty much at the rate of inflation since forever. So that 15% that worked in 1975 is almost the same 15% that works now.

Isn’t this like... double-jeopardy?

Why on earth would this be cross posted to deadspin? It’s not even controversial.

- Complains about the NFL while simultaneously telling you to ignore the NFL. lol

The deal with Iran is garbage. Especially considering the size and layout of Iran. The deal was made with the #1 priority being that Iran would need to import any new Uranium that it needed, and that we could then monitor that. Well, 2 weeks after the deal Iran “found” a brand new Uranium deposit, so... there goes

Caitlyn Jenner is the most stunning and brave woman in the world.

Did you guys delete the funniest comment in the thread?

Nah you’re a dumbass. Even after Byrd left the hospital and Kennedy died, you had Massachusetts’s appointed democrat from August until February. They could have wrote any number of bills over the summer in preparation to pass them over the fall and winter with the new appointed senator. Or, they could have written and

Dude. If this law didn’t pass I’d have $650 more dollars in my pocket, right now. It’s pretty easy to see the culprit.

“not anything backing them up” I’m poor and have had my taxes increased

Ah yes. Because that’s easy to do. I wasn’t the one lecturing anyone about how Obamacare works without knowing shit.

You are either some college kid on his parent’s insurance (congrats) or you are some rich fuck or you have company insurance that is useless because of the insane insurance deductible and terrible co-pay